Chapter 5- The blonde boy

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"Chorong-ah!" Mrs Park called from the dining room.

"Yes?" Chorong asked as she went in.

"Can you buy some groceries? We're out of food" Mrs Park said sighing.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? It was already 6 which is the time for me dying to eat! Do you wanna see me die on the road or something?!" Chorong groaned.

"Shut up and just go" Mrs Park said giving the list and money.

"Okay whatever" Chorong sighed and left the house.

She was waiting at the bus stop alone when a group of boys around her age coming toward her. The boys were laughing and talking shit and Chorong knew that they were some school gangster or something.

"Oh mama! Look who we have here" the guy who looked like the 'leader' said.

Chorong planned to completely ugnore them until the bus come but those guys wouldn't just leave a beautiful girl alone right?

"Hey girl. Where you come from? What's your name? Where do you school?" The guy said walking closer to Chorong but she ignored him.

"I'm Mino" He said smiling but Chorong didn't even glanced at him.

Feeling embarrassed by a girl he yelled, "Yah! Nobody ever ignore my question bitch. You better answer or you want your life on danger?" Mino said threatening and staring evilly to Chorong but still Chorong didn't care to reply and just made her coldest face and that pissed the guy more.

"Yah!" Mino was almost slap her but someone kicked Mino aside.

Chorong turned his head to see who kicked that annoying bastard. A guy a blonde hair with his hands tucked into his sweater pocket.

Mino was about to punch the blondy but he managed to dodge and punched Mino's tummy instead.

Mino's friends ran to the blondy and tried to knock him down but failed. The blondy was too fast and too strong and at the end, the 6 of the delinquents were all down and ran away including the 'so-tough' Mino.

Chorong's words started to stucked as Chorong and the blonde guy's eyes locked into each other and broke when the bus came.

"Th-thank you..." Chorong said and went into the bus.

As she sat down by the window, the guy and her made eye contact again.

Chorong's heart couldn't slow down it's beats. She never felt like this before. NEVER. All that was in her head was, "It's a waste I couldn't know his name... I want to meet him again though"

As she arrived at the supermarket, she sighed. "Time to get to work out there you poor tummy... I'll feed you a lot of foods later alright"

She started to buy each thing her mom listed and after some time, she finished. She got to carried all the groceries all by herself. She's just so small but she kept thinking that she's strong enough because she's master in taekwondo. How could it even related to the case of handling groceries alone though?

As she was passing by the dark tunnel she heard a voice of boys laughing and it sounded like they are beating up someone.
At first, Chorong wanted to ignore it but she heard,

"This is a payback you blonde loser!"
"Hit him more Mino hyung!"

'Payback'? 'blonde'? 'Mino'?
Chorong eyes widened and put down her groceries beside the bushes and ran into the tunnel. The light was really dim so she couldn't really sees anything.
Then, she saw the boys were just 2 meter away from her but they didn't noticed her yet.

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