what if... minis!

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Ok, this'll be a bit different.

This chapter will go over the official what if episodes, and what y/n would be like in each of those what if universes!

Let's start it off in order with:

Season 1 episode 1:
What if captain Carter was the first avenger?

This y/n is basically identical to the one that were all used to. The one from The sacred timeline.
The difference obviously being Carter instead of Steve.
Another big change would be, strangely enough, who adopts y/n.
Instead of Natasha, Carter is the one to adopt y/n in this universe. Other than that? Nothing else really.

Season 1 episode 2:
What if T'challa became start-lord?

Similarly, y/n doesn't change all too much. Really the only BIG difference is y/n actual lives in wakanda almost full time. Specifically waiting with Shuri In hopes of T'challa's return.

Season 1 episode 3:
What if the world lost its mightiest heroes?

This is the first one where y/n has... A full change...

Now, the time that y/n gets the omnitrix would be after then events of when this episode occurs.
So you may ask... "Wouldn't that mean y/n's safe?"... No.. here's a bit of trivia... Fury was going to recruit max for the avengers, before digging into what happened with the omnitrix...
That means yes... Hank pim yellow jacket... Would kill max.. leaving y/n an orphan.

Season 1 episode 4:
What if strange lost his heart instead of his hands?

Until the universe falls into literally pieces, y/n is the exact same.
But here's the interesting bit: paradox saved this y/n from the universes destruction, and brought him to a.. "safe haven".

Season 1 episode 5:
What if.... ZOMBIES?!?

I could probably just write this episode, but until then: here's all you need:

Season 1 episode 6:
What if Killmonger rescued Tony Stark?

Y/n and max are at wakanda when the army of Killmongers drones attack. Do note: y/n doesn't have the omnitrix, thus: max revealing his plumber background early, leading to y/n taking the heritage. Eventually.

Season 1 episode 7:
What if Thor was an only child?

Yeah, y/n is completely untouched in this universe

Season 1 episode 8:
What if Ultron won?

Y/n... Dies. Yeah, at the point in time which Ultron won, y/n JUST learned how to transform back into human from alien on his own. You may ask: "what about the failsafe?" Well, funny you would mention that theoretical voice of the readers in my head.

There was... One more thing y/n learned at this point.

How to take the watch off.

So he took it off.. and gave it to zed. Zed would then run, and hide it away somewhere safe. Far from where Ultron could find it.

Season 1 episode 9:
What if the watcher broke his Oath?

This will be another episode that I could just write myself. So I will. But to shorten it:
The y/n chosen to participate in the multiversal avengers will be the one that became king of wakanda.
I won't say more.

Season 2 episode 1:
What if nebula joined the nova corps?

Nothing really changes about y/n here. He stays on earth mostly.

Season 2 episode 2:
What if Peter quill attacked earths mightiest heroes?

Y/n ain't born yet. But you know who is....? Max.... and Verdona. In this weird what if of a group of avengers formed early, both max and Verdona would be here.

Season 2 episode 3:
What if happy Hogan saved Christmas?

Y/n only really appears at the end with the other avengers, and he's not much different from the sacred timeline.

Season 2 episode 4:
What if iron crashed into the grandmaster?

Once again, nothing really changes. Other than y/n thinking Tony is dead....

Season 2 episode 5:
What if captain Carter fought the hydra stomper?

Same as S1E1. y/n would actually be there with Carter and nat. Another that I could probably do a chapter for!

Season 2 episode 6 & 7:

Both have absolutely NOTHING to do with y/n. Even in the slightest.. so I'm not even gonna bring them up.

Season 2 episode 8:
What if the avengers assembled in 1602?

The y/n equivalent would be a shapeshifter. Literally. He's a monstrous being with the ability to change his shape, usually taking the shape of a helpless young boy.

Season 2 episode 9:
What if strange supreme intervened?

An army of y/n's. All from worlds that Paradox has saved from destruction, pruning, or from the hands of strange supreme himself. All led by the sacred man himself.

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