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My mom pulled up to the Wembley arena an hour before we had to be there. There was a huge crowd of people waiting to be checked in. It had been almost two weeks since my audition, and I had been practicing so much. I had gone to vocal coaching three times a week and had spent hours singing with my guitar and piano. I knew my odds of making it to judges house were slim. Half of the people would be eliminated today and even more the second and third.

We pulled up to the drop off area.  My mom pulled me in tight and whispered "Whatever happens just know I'll always love you." I smiled at her, muttered a quick thank you and grabbed my tea, my bags and got out of the car. I walked over to the line as the butterflies grew in my stomach. I was standing in line next to a girl with dark black hair. She dressed edgy and seemed pretty cool.

 She turned to me and said " Hi, I'm Cher. what's your name."

I always got so nervous when people I didn't know talked to me. The butterflies in my stomach got ten times worse. I fake smiled at her 

" I'm Charlie." I muttered quietly and looked away.  I prayed she wouldn't keep talking to me. She seemed super nice but I was always so awkward in conversations with people I didn't know. 

" Where are you from?" I sigh she was not going to leave me alone. I might as well try and make a friend. 

" I'm from Disley, Cheshire. What about you?" I responded.

"I'm from Malvern, Worcestershire." She answered. She pulled her pants higher and ran her fingers through her dark black hair.

 "So what got you into singing?" She asked.

"I've just always had a love for it. It was always kind of like my one escape from all of my problems." She smiled and nodded at me.

"Yah me too, when I was in primary school my school forced me to sing in front of everybody and ended up loving it so much." She told me. We talked for the rest of the line. She was so funny and reminded me a lot of Millie. 

As we walked into the arena she turned to me.

 "Okay you have to stick with me for the next couple of days ok?" She asked. I nodded. I was glad I would know somebody and I wouldn't be alone the whole time. She talked a lot. It was only 7 am in the morning but she had so much energy.

We made our way to the auditorium. There were so many people. Cher and I talked for another 30 minutes until the judges walked on stage. They re- introduced themselves to us and told us what songs we would be singing today. Then they sent us on our own ways. All the girls headed to a room together. Our vocal coach for the day introduced himself to us 

"Hello ladies I'm Jordan Mowkey and I will be coaching you for today. So at the end of the day everybody is going to sing a couple lines of the song If I were a Boy. You will only have a couple lines to stand out and prove to the judges that you deserve to be in this competition so make this time count." He told us.  The room was dead silent. The tension in the room was thick. Half of us would go home today. Jordan grabbed a stack of papers and started passing them out. 

"This is your sheet music for the song. If you don't know the song already you better learn fas.t" I saw a couple of girls' faces go white. Others smirked to themselves. Thankfully I knew this song very well. Last year this was Millie's favorite song. She played it 24/7. At first I thought it a good song but it got very annoying after a while . I mentally took a note to thank Millie for blasting that song everyday for a year. After all the papers were passed out he walked over to the piano and played our starting note. He motioned for us to start singing.

After about an hour we were interrupted by this girl who was late. She was wearing skimpy clothing, an excessive amount of makeup and dramatic heels. She apologized and was told what to do. I glanced over at Cher who was trying to hold back her laughter. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. Cher and I both almost lost it. Some people really just don't care as much as they should. This opportunity could literally change all of our lives and she was taking it for granted.

After another 2 hours we were allowed to have an hour break. Cher and I walked out of the practice room.

 "Oh my gosh that was the longest 2 hours of my life." she sighed.

 "Yah I know. I already never want to sing again." I joked. We laughed and left the room. We went and sat down in the cafeteria. For lunch they had three options; Sandwiches, soups or salad. Cher picked out the sandwich and I chose the salad. We went and sat down and started eating. There were so many people sitting down. It was mostly people under the age of like 21. The guys had gotten out a couple minutes before us and we're already eating.

A cute blond kid had his face full of food while he played guitar. He was really good at guitar. As we ate our food he slowly gathered a crowd that was watching him play. Once he finished his food he started singing. He had a really unique tone to his voice and it was really pretty.

We finished lunch and Cher and I talked for the rest of the time. I talked about my mom and siblings and she talked to me about her family. We talked about what we wanted to study and where we wanted to go to school. At the end of the hour our vocal coach came into the room and told us we needed to get back to practicing. We both groaned and made our way back to the practice room. We practiced for another hour and then were told it was our time to go on. They lined us up in a long line and sent about 8 girls on at a time. I was in the middle of the line and Cher was going before me. The people before her all went in order and then it was her turn. She sang her lines almost perfectly. Then she walked off as the next girls came on. After a couple minutes it was my turn. I smiled at Cher who was now waiting in the seats behind the judges. Each girl sang their part until it was my turn. I had to sing the outro of the song which was also the hardest part. When it was my turn I pushed back all of my fears and sang.

But you're just a boy
You don't understand
Yeah, you don't understand, oh
How it feels to love a girl, someday
You'll wish you were a better man

The music stopped and we started making our way to the exit. None of the judges had said a single word. I wondered if that meant that I did bad and they were going to send me home. I thought I did ok but maybe I didn't. We made our way to the seats and I found a spot next to Cher.

She leans in to me and whispered " How do you think you did?"

 I shrugged her question off. I really didn't want to talk to anybody right now. After everybody finished off singing they called everybody backstage. We waited for about an hour. I had little to no hope that I would make it through this day. I even texted my mom about it. She told me not to worry but I didn't listen. Finally Dermot O'Kelly came out.

"Okay, if we call your name please head on stage." He read off a list of names none of which were Cher's or mine. We looked at each other worriedly. Cher started crying and I almost did too. I didn't know how bad I wanted this. Then Dermot came out again and called more names, both Cher's and mine were said. We nervously stood up. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stage.

Once everybody was on stage Simon Cowell grabbed the mic. I felt my stomach drop, I mentally prepared myself to be told no. He looked at us with a straight face.

 "You are not..." He paused for a second. I looked at the ground as I felt my eyes well up with tears.

 "Going home." I slowly looked up, did he just say that we made it? I heard girls screaming. Cher was crying and jumping up and down. I had done it, I made it past day 1. I felt the tears spill out from my eyes and Cher pulled me in tight for a hug. I couldn't believe I made it. 

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