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TW: Abuse  


Everybody got to the hotel around 9 pm. I called my family to tell them the good news. After that I made myself some black tea and picked out my outfit for the next day. I picked out a pair of baggy jeans a black sports bra and a blue plaid flannel that I got thrift shopping. I also picked out several rings and a couple of necklaces and my pair of white Nike blazers. I've always had a strange sense of style, and a lot of people didn't like me for that reason. I've never really liked the clothes that most people consider trendy so I decided to just dress how I like and if people don't like me for that then that sucks for them. I also picked out several rings and a couple of necklaces and my pair of white Nike blazers. Then I took a shower and went to bed.

I woke up at 7 am to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. Groaning, I turned it off. I slowly got out of bed and rubbed my eyes. I walked over to the bathroom and then I did my skincare and hair care, then I straightened my curly hair and put it up in a low messy bun. I did my makeup and then went out. My roommate Ava went in after me. This was the first time I had really seen her since I was so tired and went to bed before she came in. After she took a shower and got ready she came back out.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" She asked. I shook my head no. I have never liked breakfast. It always made me feel sick eating early in the morning. She shrugged and headed for the breakfast bar. I called my mom while I made tea. My mom is one of the loudest, most energetic people I know and it was really strange. During the call she was so quiet. Something was definitely wrong. I tried asking her if she was ok but she brushed me off. Once my tea was ready I had to hang up and start leaving. I made my bed and headed for the bus. The arena was 5 minutes away from the hotel so it was a quick ride. I checked into the venue and headed over to the main area. Once I got to the backstage area I sat down and ate my food. I called Millie while I finished drinking my tea and waited for the camp to start.

"Ok so do you know what your challenge is for today?" She asked.

I shook my head " nope, they haven't told us yet."

She nodded and continued, " have you met anybody yet?"

" Well I met this girl named Cher. She's really nice, just a lot of energy." I said, taking a sip of the tea.

"Any cute guys?" She said, smirking. I rolled my eyes. It always had to be about the boys.

"Uhhhh I mean I haven't really been paying that much attention but I think I've seen a couple."

"Details please." She said, I rolled my eyes.

"Well there was this one blond guy playing the guitar at our lunch break and he seemed pretty cool." I told her, taking a bite of 

"ok , ok so he seems like good boyfriend material?" She said, my face turned red. 

'' Millie, Oh my gosh no. I haven't even talked to him before and besides I mean yeah he's cute but I've seen him like once." I quickly spurted out. 

She sarcastically shook her head at me " tsk tsk tsk well ok we'll see, in nine months when you have his baby we'll see if you still think that."

 I let out a loud laugh and shook my head. I was just about to reply when I heard on the loudspeaker that all contestants needed to come to the stage. 

"I've got to go, bye!"  I hung up and walked over to the stage. I quickly found Cher and walked over to her. Simon grabbed a microphone and stood up. He looked at us all and said. "Today, you're gonna be taught how to dance. This is not going to be a judged section of the show but be daring, brave and be unique. I'm now going to introduce you to someone you've probably seen on the show Brian Freeman."

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