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I woke up to something moving in my face. I opened my eyes and saw a ball of fur right in front of me. I screamed and jumped off of my bed. I looked around and heard Louis laughing outside of the room. On my bed was a small brown hamster.

" Haha, very funny Louis," I rolled my eyes. He popped his head into my room

"What do you mean?" He said innocently.

"Thank you for waking me up and putting a hamster in my face." I rolled my eyes, boys were annoying but I was going to get him back. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was almost 1:00.

"Well we needed to practice and I thought who wouldn't want to wake up with a cute hamster next to them."

" Oh yeah because that is a perfect way to start your day." I quickly brushed my teeth, put some sweats on, and put my hair up in a bun.

" You are so slow." He complained. I walked out of the bathroom.

" And you are so annoying," I said. He gasped and left the room.

I walked down the stairs to find all of the boys sitting on the couch.

" Ah look who finally woke up," Niall said, smirking at me.

" You and Harry are both big sleepers," Liam said. Harry and I made eye contact and smiled. After last night I felt even closer to him. I felt like I had known him my whole life.

" My mom left for work but she made breakfast and tea if you want some," Harry said while he yawned.

" Okay, I think I'll have some tea," I said. I poured myself some tea and sat back down.

" So we need to decide on a song to sing," Liam said. " Any ideas?"

" What about who let the dogs out?" Louis suggested.

"You have such bad ideas, Louis," Zayn said. Louis started fake crying.

" Well, do you have any ideas?" Louis said to

"What about Torn," Zayn suggested

" I love that song," I said. Nobody else had any ideas so we ended up singing torn.

Harry had the prettiest voice I had ever heard. I didn't understand why he didn't make it through. He looked over at me. I quickly looked away. Shit, I was staring. I kept glancing back at him hoping he wouldn't notice. We practiced for an hour and then we got restless so we decided to do something.

"Charlie could give us all matching sticks and pokes," Harry said. I looked over at him.

" I never said that," I said.

" Wait yah, that would be fun," Zayn said. All the guys nodded except for Niall.

" I don't even have the stuff to do it." I said

" We could walk down to a tattoo shop and get stuff for it," Harry suggested. I sighed he wasn't going to let this go.

" Fine, let's go," I said.

We walked down to a small tattoo shop. I got the stuff and we walked back to Harry's house. We ran up to Harry's room and shut the door.

" Ok, so what do we want to do," I asked.

" We could tattoo penisis on our shoulders," Louis joked

" You're disgusting," I rolled my eyes.

" We could tattoo little crosses on our ankles," Harry suggested.

" Wait, that would be so cool," Zayn said. We all agreed with him. Everybody cleaned their ankles and I drew the crosses on everybody's ankles.

" It might hurt a little," I warned. Liam was first, I poked over the cross and put saran wrap. I did Louis and Zayn's and then it was Niall's turn. He was shaking and his face was white.

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