Chapter 9

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For the past few months, Luke has been helping me take care of Rose and hiding from Jeff the others weren't allowed to tell Jeff why he couldn't or wasn't allowed to see me which still pissed him off but when I walked upstairs Jeff looked over at me and hugged me. I hugged Jeff back the others were happy to see me back on my feet I heard Slender call me from upstairs and I walked up to the second floor to see what he wanted. Slender said "no need to knock come in" I opened his door and walked into his room I said "what is it Slender," Slender said, "you will be going back on your missions tomorrow and every Friday-Sunday you can go see your child". I thanked Slender and was about to leave the room Slender said "you are also caught up on your school work and will start Monday". I nodded and walked out of the room closing the door behind me, I walked outside to get some fresh air in the distance I could hear something so I decided to follow the noise that I was hearing. I climbed up one of the trees when I was in the area where the noise was coming from I was looking around the area and saw a pack of wolves hunting and the smell of blood. I didn't know where the smell was coming from since it smelled like it was coming from all directions it was starting to make me feel sick I decided to fly up in the air so I didn't smell it as much but the smell was still there faintly. If I was to move in any other direction the smell would get stronger and would make me feel sicker I went to go fly back to the mansion but when I flew back it wasn't there anymore. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating a little wondering what I saw in my dream and if it meant anything important I knew I would have to tell Slender about this to see if he would know anything about it. I looked over at Rose and saw that she was still asleep and Luke was asleep next to me "that's right I'm at Luke's place for a few days" I laid back down to see if I could go back to sleep and not have the same dream again. Some time passed Rose was crying I'm assuming it was because she is hungry I woke up seeing that it was morning and I look over to see Luke trying to figure out what she wants. I said "luke hand her to me she might be hungry" Luke picked her up carefully and gently then handed her to me. I lifted one side of my shirt and covered her up with a blanket so Rose could eat I looked over at Luke seeing his face a bit red before looking away hoping I didn't notice Luke said: "I-I'll go see if some toast is made for you". This feeling of being a mother is unknown territory for me sometimes it feels like I don't know what I am doing but I must be doing something right for her which is a good thing. Luke came back upstairs with some toast, eggs, and a cup of apple juice and set it down next to me on the bed I felt Rose stop eating I uncovered Rose and handed her to Luke so she could sleep in her crib and so I could eat. I could tell that something was on Luke's mind I wanted to ask him but he walked off before I could say anything then he came back with a few things in his hands. It was a pillow case and a plush blanket I was confused about what he was going to do with it when he started to put it together I started to tear up a bit. Luke said "there a small bed for her if she wants to sleep with us in bed," I said "it's cute for her" I finished eating the breakfast that Luke brought up for me but I did ask for more apple juice. 

5 months have passed and I've been going back to school for my missions I think Rose should live a normal life and not a life she doesn't want to live with me since it would be too confusing and overwhelming for her. As Slender told me I would be able to visit her every Friday-Sunday Jeff sometimes wonder where I go for those three days since he is still worried that Nick is after me even though I haven't seen him. It is understandable that Jeff wants me to be careful but it's kind of hard to do that when the police and bounty hunters are after me 24/7 there would be a few times that me and Luke wanted to do it but we wouldn't get close to doing it. Mostly because his parents were home and would check on us every hour or so asking if we wanted anything to drink then his friends would come over unannounced and bust down his bedroom door. We couldn't do it at my place because one I don't want them killing him and two Jeff would lose his shit if he found out and would try to find him to kill him I didn't want to take any of those chances. So we waited for a day that his parents wouldn't be home even those days were rare but when we walked into the house Friday it was quiet and empty I walked into the kitchen and saw a note sitting on the counter. I walked upstairs to see if Rose was in her crib asleep she wasn't there I started panicking and started to look in every room for her in the house Luke noticed that I was panicking and walked over to me Luke said "it's okay they took Rose shopping with them and will be back in 20 minutes". I started to calm down a bit when I heard she was with his parents I walked into the living room sat down on the floor and started to do my homework for the week Luke did the same thing. We almost have the same classes the only thing different is that I have a knife throwing class and Luke doesn't but he somehow manages to help me with it even though he knows nothing about it. About 10 minutes goes by and we decided to have a snack break in between our homework Luke made both of us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for us to snack on. Once we were done eating our snacks we went back to work on our homework some time goes by and we hear the noise of a car pulling into the driveway and in the garage. We also hear the noise of Rose crying both of us got up to help with the groceries I said "how was Rose she wasn't too much trouble I hope" Luke's mother said, "oh she did just fine up until we were checking out that's when she got fussy". Luke said "I'll go put her down for her nap" Luke takes Rose gently upstairs to our room for her nap Luke's mother said, "I grab Rose some snack for you from the store hope you didn't mind". I said "that's okay I need all the help I can get right now I appreciate it" Luke came back downstairs from putting Rose down for her nap. Luke said "we are just about done with our homework," Luke's father said "that's good to hear" we walked back over to our homework to finish the last few bits of it before we eat dinner and headed to bed for the night. Rose slept pretty well for the night I think the car ride from here to the store and back made her tired which I am thankful for since we were able to get a full night's sleep in. 

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