Chapter 18

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I didn't know where I would be taken next but my only guess would be back to the prison building where I will be highly monitored I was still knocked out from the liquid placed into my body. I heard some doors open and my body hitting a wall as if I was thrown into the room or cell I was being kept in I could listen to other voices approaching the room I was thrown in and they didn't sound friendly. I didn't know what was about to happen but I heard chains, they're probably going to have me chained to the wall again the first time they did that Slender came to get me. After about 5 hours they left the room and I started to wake up, seeing that I was in a dark room with a camera in every corner of the space they wanted to ensure I didn't escape from them this time. Time went on and I didn't know how long I was in the room now and then they would open the door to my room and some of the light from the hallway into my room before closing the door again. My arms started to feel weak I didn't know how long I was in the building for Rose was still out there and I needed to get out of there to go find her if the others haven't already found her. I've noticed that they have a routine when they come to check my room, they come in pairs of two then when it gets to night only one of them comes to check my room sometimes none at all. The chains around my wrists started to become loose and I was able to get my hands free from the chains I landed on the ground barely catching myself before I hit the ground. I stretched my wings out the alarm in the room I was being held in was going off and there were no blind spots for me to hide in I was out in the open for them to grab me I could hear footsteps coming closer to the room. The door started to open and the police started to enter the room seeing that I'm not in there, the building started going on lockdown and they start looking for me when I'm not in the building anymore. I made it back to the woods and I tried looking for Rose again if I wanted to check the city I would have to wait until it was dark out to attempt to find her in the city. The others were also looking for me since I ran off to look for Rose all by myself and got myself captured again Slender is probably going to yell at me for getting caught again when I get back to the mansion. I get to the mansion and see a few of them running up to me wanting to know what happened and if I could find Rose, I explained to them what happened and told them about Rose's whereabouts possibly. Jeff wasn't happy that I was trying to find Rose and insisted that I stop looking for her, I didn't want to give up on Rose the way Jeff sounded when he told me to stop looking for her didn't sit right. I said "Tell me Jeff what would you do" Jeff said "Do what" he looked back over to me seeing a pissed-off look on my face I said, "What would you do if your child got kidnapped and taken somewhere". Jeff just stood there looking at me and the others trying to figure out what to say, Jeff said "If I had a kid I would go looking for them but Rose could be" I said "And what if she is". Tension started to build between me and Jeff the others didn't know if they should be in front of me or not, I said "Ever since I was pregnant with Rose, Luke was there to help as well as for the others". Jeff just stood there not saying anything I said "And the reason why I wasn't at the mansion as much was because I was having terrible dreams of you and the only place I could get sleep was at Luke's". I walked off to go find Rose leaving Jeff with the others, a thunderstorm started to come through covering up my scent Jeff attempted to catch up to me but was stopped by Masky and Jane. Masky said "I think you've said enough to her for today" Jeff walked into the mansion upset that he made me upset over something that was a big deal. 

As I kept walking I noticed a cave and walked inside to dry off from the rain as I was drying off I could hear something in the cave but I couldn't make out what the noise was, the deeper I got into the cave the more the noises became more clear. My marks were starting to glow meaning it wasn't a good sign the pain in my head was starting to come back I didn't know if it was from Nick or the new person. Screaming could be heard in the cave as I walked in deeper there was a lip in the cave where I could hide from the person if they saw me, I peeked my head around the corner to see who was the person screaming. It was Rose that was screaming I turned into one of my animal forms and went to go break her free from her restraints and told her to go find the others, the pain in my head came back but a bit more painful. Rose ran out of the cave to go look for Masky or whoever else was following behind me, I felt something sharp hit the side of my stomach as I was attacking them I wasn't sure what it was but it hurt like hell. My vision started to get blurry from whatever it was that stabbed me in the side soon after that I passed out and I don't know what happened after that. The others were out looking for me in the rain since I walked off pissed and upset which was understandable because of Jeff, as the others were still looking Masky and Ben noticed something in the distance running towards them. Masky was about to throw one of his weapons at them but realized that it was Rose running toward them in tears Masky said "Rose where's your mother" Rose pointed in the direction she came from. Ben started running in the direction that Rose was pointing as he was running he noticed something it was Jeff and he seemed to be carrying something in his arms. As Jeff got closer to Ben he could see what he was carrying in his arms and it was me Ben said "The hell did you do to her, Jeff!" Jeff said, "I didn't do fucking shit I found her like this". Jeff brought me inside the mansion to be looked at and monitored since they didn't know what happened to me when I went looking for Rose. Luke walked over to Rose to see if she was alright and Slender reassured him that Rose was fine and no harm was done to her but as for me Slender was unsure of what was happening with me. When I woke up I was in a different room I looked around to see if I noticed anything different the pain in my head was gone and my marks weren't glowing anymore, I sit up in bed still looking around the room. The others wanted to believe Jeff but were having a hard time with the recent events that happened this week the only person they could ask was me about what happened. Luke walked into the room I was staying in seeing that I was awake he walked over and hugged me, I wanted to hug him back but something was telling me not to Luke moved away from me seeing that I was trying to get out of bed. I stood up next to the bed holding onto the frame, I started to walk over to the wall facing the bed the wound on my side was already starting to heal. I said "Rose did she," Luke said "Rose made it back okay Slender did some tests and no harm was done to her" I was relieved to hear that Rose made it back to the mansion okay. Luke said "But Slender is worried about you and wants to get some answers" I figured as much since me and Jeff got into an argument Slender walked into the room seeing that I was moving around. Slender said "I'm glad to see that you're awake Luke could you please leave the room" Luke nodded his head and left the room so I and Sleder could talk Sleder said, "Care to tell me what happened after you found Rose". I said "I told her to go find the others when she got out of the cave," Slender said "Do you remember anything after that" I shook my head no I said, "The only thing I remember was I was attacking something but I don't know what it was that I was attacking". Slender looked at my side and noticed that it was healing a lot faster than any other wound I have gotten while living with them Slender helped me up to my room so I could get a bit more rest.

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