Chapter 14

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Liu was standing in the doorway seeing Luke and Rose in the room with me and Slender, Rose was trying to hide behind my legs but it didn't work Liu said "is everything alright" I whipped away my tears and nodded. I said "Slender just told me about some news is all, what's up Liu" Liu looked down seeing Rose hiding from him Liu said, "I just wanted to come down to let Slender know that I'm back from my mission". Slender said "that's good to hear Liu and since you are back you get to spend some time with our new member of the family" Liu looked back over at me but then down at Rose since he didn't know which one he was talking about. Luke picked up Rose and took her to our room so she could play with her toys, and I got up off the bed walking over to Liu. We walked out of the mansion talking and getting to know each other I already knew that he was Jeff's brother Liu said "Jeff is apprehensive about you" I said, "I know, I'm aware that he is worried about me". I stopped walking and leaned on a tree looking up at the sky wondering how this pregnancy would go if I were to continue to have those dreams about Jeff would Luke and Rose still be safe? Liu said "you are worried about them aren't you, that Jeff will do something to them" I looked over at Liu with a surprised look I said "how did you know," Liu said "your body language and before I walked in the room I heard the conversation you had with Slender". I said "ever since I was pregnant with Rose I would have bad dreams about Jeff" I placed my hand on my stomach worried about the second child Liu said "I'm sure he would understand" I shook my head no before looking up at Liu. I said "Jeff would have made me get rid of Rose, at the time I was being hunted down by someone" Liu walked over to me and stood next to me listening to what I was saying. A warm cool breeze hit our skin as Liu gives me a hug we walked back to the mansion and headed up to my room where Rose was taking a nap and Luke was looking at a picture I had placed on my dresser. Luke looked over and saw me standing in the doorway Luke said "this is a picture of you with your parents" I nodded my head as he places the picture back on the dresser. I said "I don't talk about them, it's not like I don't want to" I walked over to the bed and sat down looking out the window at the sky again Luke walked over and kissed me. My bedroom door was open at the time and they would be able to see us a knot started to form in my stomach I gently pushed Luke away looking down while trying to catch my breath. Luke placed his hand on my stomach and started rubbing it gently I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and coming towards my room I looked over at my door frame to see Hoodie and asked what he wanted. Hoodie said "Jeff wanted me to check up on you since you walked up to your room," I said "I'm fine Hoodie, Jeff is just over exaggerating" I got up and walked over to the door so I could go into the kitchen to get something to snack on. Jeff happens to catch me walking into the kitchen and followed me in Jeff said "how are your missions going" I said "there going fine Jeff" I grabbed a few cookies from the jar in the cabinet.

I could tell that Jeff wanted to hug me but didn't know if it would cause me to throw him to the ground again like I did the last time Jeff went to go walk out of the kitchen but saw something standing in the archway. Rose looked up at Jeff and ran over to me hiding behind my legs she has never met Jeff before she has gotten to know the others Jeff looked over at me and saw the small child hiding behind my legs. Jeff said "she must be from Trenderman's household" well it was half true Rose would get scared as Jeff tried walking over to us I said, "Jeff now isn't probably the best time to approach her right now,". Jeff looked up and saw that my eyes were showing a serious expression but also a scared expression at the same time Masky happens to walk by the kitchen seeing Rose in the kitchen as well as Jeff. Masky walked into the kitchen and over to Rose asking her if she wanted to help him with picking flowers Rose nodded and went with Masky outside leaving me and Jeff alone in the kitchen. Jeff said "she seems quite attached to you, care to tell me why," I said "probably because I have the instincts of a mother" Jeff knew that was true because of the child I saved when they were just a baby. I walked out of the kitchen and up to my room closing the door behind me Luke said "is everything alright" I said "yeah there was just a problem" Luke said, "what problem would that be". I said "Jeff saw Rose" Luke said, "is she okay!" I said "yeah she's fine, he didn't lay a hand on her" Luke walked over and gave me a hug I start to cry a bit. Everyone was asleep in the mansion well except for the ones that are on the night shift I was laying in bed trying to get comfortable but couldn't right as soon as I sit up in bed I felt something come up my throat. I run to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet Luke woke up and walked over to the bathroom and started rubbing my back after a few minutes I cleaned up a bit and tried to lay back down on the bed. The next morning I woke and looked around the room seeing Rose's bed empty and started to panic wondering where Rose could have gone. Rose doesn't know how to fly just yet so she couldn't have gotten far I got dressed and walked downstairs seeing that Rose was playing with Jane and Hoodie in the living room I sighed in relief seeing that she was okay. Jane happened to look over and saw that I was up Jane asked Hoodie if he could play with Rose for a bit so she could talk to me Hoodie agreed Jane got up off the floor and walked over to me. Jane said "hey everything alright," I said, "I was worried about Rose I thought that..." Jane said "you were worried that Jeff found out about Rose", a few tears fell from my cheeks. Jane whipped away my tears I said "where is Jeff anyways" Jane said "Slender sent him out on a mission, he won't be back until tomorrow" Rose walked over with Hoodie and hugged my leg. Hoodie said "that's a smart little girl you have" Rose looked up at me and put her arms up meaning she wanted me to hold her, I picked her up and held her on my side. Rose said "mommy where daddy," I said "still asleep upstairs want to help me wake him up" Rose nodded happily and I took her upstairs so she could help me wake up luke since he's been in bed long enough.

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