Chapter 27

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I was sitting on the couch in the living room watching Rose and Hunter play with one another Luke was visiting his cousin's place and wouldn't be back for a few weeks I could only imagine the questions they were asking him. Ben walked into the room seeing me with the kids and Rose happens to notice him Rose said "uncle Ben!" I turned to look behind me as I watched Rose run up to Ben smiling a bit Ben said "This no fair you have a watch crew". I laughed a bit, and then Rose ran back over to me as Jeff started walking by Jeff said "Hey can we talk" I said "Ben can you watch them for a bit" Ben nodded his head as I walked off to talk to Jeff. We walked for a bit then stopped I said "What is it, Jeff" Jeff said, "Are you doing alright you seem like you haven't been getting much sleep". I said "I'm fine Jeff it's what happens when I become a mother of two, oh wait you don't care about that do you," Jeff said "And I'm sorry I said that," I said, "Tch, yeah right if you cared you couldn't have said it in the first place". Jeff stood there letting your words hit him, and then your vision started to get blurry I said "N-no not now" you placed your hand on your head taking a few steps backward. Jeff noticed and walked over to you I said "Stay the hell away I don't need your fucking help, you've helped enough" I heard the voice in my head again hearing that it was Jack's boss trying to get into my head. I said, "Get out of my head!" Jeff said "Are you sure you are feeling alright who are you talking to," I said, "Get away from me!" I ran off in another direction as my vision got more blurry soon everything went dark. It felt like I was out longer than the first time but when I woke up the room didn't look familiar I sat up in bed feeling a shooting pain in my leg. Jack said "You're going to be feeling that pain in your leg for a while," I said "the fuck did you do to me," Jack said "I did no such thing, well other than what we agreed to that is" I didn't like working for this person the only one you wanted to work for was Slender. Jack said "You did good out there but not good enough" I said "The hell do you mean" Jack said "You almost killed Jeff this time" I said "your lying" I didn't want to believe him yes I hate Jeff but I don't hate him enough to kill him. Jack said "You don't believe me, the crystals that formed on your hand you stabbed him in the shoulder with them reopening his wound" I felt a sharp pain in my head it was Slender trying to talk to me through his telepathy but it was static. I went to lunge at Jack but he pinned me to the wall Jack said "Now now I wouldn't do that if I were you if you work against us we will kill your family" I said, "Lay a hand on them and your dead". Jack let's go of my arms as I fell to the ground Jack said "It's sad to see you go, but we'll be in touch for your next mission" I woke up sitting next to a tree that was close to a river nearby.

Several days have passed and the others are starting to get worried for me I didn't want any of this to happen maybe if I had done better at defending myself none of this would have happened I shouldn't have signed that contract to work for him. I said "This is all my fault," Luke said "What's not your fault" I looked over at Luke who was holding Hunter I said, "All of this is my fault, I wish I could tell you". Tears formed in my eyes I knew if I told him he would be killed and I didn't want to think what could happen to Rose or Hunter if Jack got his hands on them let alone his boss Luke said "You can tell me anything you know that". I said "Luke I wish I could tell you but if I did then you and the kids would be at risk of getting hurt or worse killed" I heard Rose run up the stairs as she made her way to our room asking Luke for something. Rose then turned her head seeing that I was crying Rose said "Daddy why is mommy crying" I looked over at Rose seeing her holding onto Luke's sleeve. I said "Mommy is alright Rose, mommy is just remembering things she doesn't want to remember" I got up off the bed and walked over to Rose placing a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room. I made my way over to the medical room to see how Jeff was doing I didn't mean to hurt him I wasn't acting myself, I wasn't in control of what I was doing. As I was walking over to the door I could hear Jeff talking to Slender and Masky while he was getting bandaged up Masky said "You need to learn how to leave her alone Jeff" Jeff said, "I can't what part don't you fucking understand". Masky said "As much as she wants your apology Jeff she's not going to believe you unless you show her," Slender said, "Masky is right Jeff I know you can be worried for her sometimes". Jeff said, "She won't let me come near them plus her daughter is already terrified of me plus I'm more worried about her, she wasn't herself today when I tried talking to her". Slender said "How so," Jeff said, "She grabbed ahold of her head saying 'Get out of my head' and 'get away from me' while I was trying to talk to her next thing I knew she shoved a crystal into my shoulder". Slender said "I'll look into the matter" I started to get worried thinking that Slender would soon find out that I was working for someone else and him at the same time I had backed myself into a corner. I walked out of the mansion while doing so I felt the slight pain in my leg Jack was talking about but I thought the pain had gone away after a while guess I was wrong. On top of all this, my markings were glowing slightly which could only mean that Nick was somewhere nearby I didn't have time to deal with him today I walked around a bit limping because of the pain in my leg. As I kept walking I would hear Nick or someone else walking closer to where I was my body started to feel weak I leaned up against a tree as my vision started to become blurry again.

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