Chapter 2- thee upgrade.

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Ever since Pierce and I became close we had a inside joke. If one of us was mad with the other, we would downgrade them on a friendship scale we made. You could be on the level best friend, friend, friend's cousin and cousin's ,boyfriend's sibling if one of us were really mad.

"It's break, let's go discuss our friendship scale for the day." Pierce says with a grin on his face.
"That sounds suspicious. Seems like you in need of a downgrade." I say contempt.

We walk to the steps and sit. As we start eating Pierce looks at me with a smirk on his face.
"What, is there something on my face??" I say while wiping my mouth.

"Levine, I was thinking and you know what?" Pierce said with a smirk.

"What did you do now Pierce?!?!?" I said with my head tilted and my brows furrowed.

"We've been downgrading each other and right now based of your look I think I'm at the level: "friend's cousin." Well I propose we change that too best friends with no scale anymore, unless you mad?"

"I can take you on that offer." I say as my mouth curved into a smile.

From that day on Pierce was my best friend. Not gonna lie, just because I had a crush on him I was excited but I didn't want to show him.

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