Single daddy (Jimin x reader)

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*Big chapter ahead, it turned out to become a lot bigger than the previous chapters.*

*Usage of the word daddy.*

Being a nursing student and having to pay rent and other stuff was never an easy task. So your mother paid for your rent and groceries.
"She has indirectly been telling me she won't pay my rent and groceries." You told your friend, Rachel.
"Indirectly? How's that?"
"She asked me, when I was going to start getting some money... So she could go on a fucking holiday." You said while balling your fist in anger.
"Wow.... Well now what do you want to do then?" She asked you.
"I have a year in nursing school, and I need to pay the fee for this year. Pay the rent, and buy some food. And other bills.... And I don't have enough of money for all of this." You ran your fingers through your hair in frustration.
"If I myself wasn't so tight on the money I'd help you. But you could look for a part time job. Classes get over at 2 you could work till 5 or something and then study?" It was your only option now.
"Yeah, I could do that. But what job will I go for?" You asked her.
"You could go for something that's not to hectic. I mean your plate is already too full with the studying and rent stuff to worry about... If you ask me I'd say something like a cashier at the store or a barista or a babysitter...etc."
"Yeah pressure free work." You said.
"I have a few friends who are into this part time stuff they get a lot of job opportunities emails, if I find one that fits you. I'll mail it to you." She said assuring you with a smile.
"Thank you so much Rachel... For all the help."
"Don't thank me...that's what friends are for right?" She hugged you, to comfort you.

It had been three days, and Rachel was still looking for a job for you. And you to browsed for jobs but everything revolved around a hectic schedule, and you really couldn't take anymore of the bullshit.
But during these three days you studied more to compensate for all the possible reading time you could lose when you got a job. You needed to score good grades in the tests, otherwise you'd be deprived of a degree that you worked so much for.

"Good morning Y/N!" You groaned while rubbing your eyes.
"Good morning my ass, it's fucking 2 am, what do you want Rachel?" You said with your sleepy voice.
"Well being grumpy isn't good. And I actually found a job for you!" She yelled excitedly.
"What is the job?" You asked her.
"Babysitting....and the advantage is they live in the same building and the same floor as yours!"
"What? I'm not sure it would be nice to have my employers in the same building let alone same floor?" You said.
"Y/N, think of this... it'll be only for a year. And you'll be close to home. You didn't need to waste time on traveling. And you can study when the kid isn't conscious." You chuckled at her last statement.
"That is true....but I'll have to do a little thinking on that." You told her.
"Fine, I'll send you the details of how much their willing to pay and all of that."
You bid your good byes and hung up.

You thought about it and it was true. It did help you a lot that it was very close to home.
The pay was quite a good amount. But you didn't know anyone in your floor that had a kid. It was very quite usually.
Rachel had sent the address and details to you.

The next day, you went to the apartment mentioned in the mail Rachel had sent you.
Looking around you found the apartment, at the sight of it, you were having second thoughts on whether you should be knocking on the door and asking for a job. But you did it anyways.
You knocked on the door waited for a few minutes, you heard hasting footsteps. The door flung open. You saw a male probably in his late 20s standing with formal clothing. His clothing hugged his body so good it looked as though it was stitched on him. He looked hot as hell.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, I live right across there, I actually came here to ask you about the babysitter job..." He nodded with a smiled and moved away, telling you he was inviting you in. You took a step in hesitantly, if he did anything suspicious, you'd hit him in his groin, punch him and leave the place.
"You seem to trust me... By letting me in." You turned around to face him as he closed the door.
"You live right across me... And I've seen you for a while. You don't seem like a threat." His voice knocked out the air in your lungs. It was sweet and deep.
"Oh, you noticed I lived there." You were quite embarrassed that you didn't know he lived in the building.
"Of course, it's hard to avoid, when all the guys in the building talk about you."
"Who?" He walked past you to the living room while you followed.
"I don't really know their names." He said while chuckling.
"I'm Park Jimin by the way. I'm a web designer, a single father.... What is your current occupation?"
"I'm a nursing student."
"That's great!" He seemed quite enthusiastic on knowing about you being a nursing student.
"So about the job, I've spoken to my boss and he's given me a shift after 2 do your classes get over at 2 right?"
"As a matter of fact, yes it does."
"Okay then I'll be back by around 6 at the latest 7."
"So do you want to take the job?" He asked you with a warm smile.
"Yes... Not much thinking, it's at my comfort level." He nodded.
"Would you like to meet my little one?" His smile only became bigger at the mere thought of his child.
"Of course." You said. He gestured you to follow him as you went into the interior of the house.
He walked into a room and you stepped in after him. The room was filled with brightness, from the walls to the kids crib.
Jimin walked to the crib and reached in and picked up a little baby. You didn't expect to be taking care of such a young one.
"This is Park MinSeok, my little baby boy." He smiled at his son.
"How old is he?" You asked as you approached the both of them.
"9 months."
"Didn't expect to be such a young man." You cooed at MinSeok.
MinSeok's tiny hands rested on you cheek as you got into a reachable level to him.
You smiled at the baby, he gave you a toothy grin.
"He likes you already." Jimin said while he observed his son.
"Can I carry him?" You asked holding your hands out. Before Jimin coud answer, MinSeok leaned towards you, as he struggled out of his father's grasp to get into yours. You took him in your arms.
"Hi baby..." You said, MinSeok babbled happily while touching your cheek.
You chuckled as MinSeok tried to tell you something you did catch a few words out of this speech.
"He really does like you." Jimin pulled your focus away from the baby in your hand to him. You didn't realise you were smiling all this while, when your cheeks started to hurt.
"He's so cute." You said while creasing MinSeok's head.

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