The top of the Hill (Jungkook x reader)

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*Very, very detailed sexual content. {©~©} You have been warned. And no usage of condoms.*

The cars zoomed by, the wind blew past you. You watched eagerly, the last lap. You watched as the cars fought to go ahead. Finally one car took over every car that came form behind and in no time was ahead of the rest. The familiar car matched up to it. As they inched closer to the finish line you saw the car finish of despite being in the last and coming to the first place. You got down and went to the track, and stood beside your brothers car, who raced with the other car. He came second...... But the one who came first. You hadn't see that car before. Usually racers stuck to one car. It was very rare that they changed it.
"You did well." You hugged your brother as he got past the crowd around him. He hugged you back before letting out a sigh.
"Where did that dude even come from. Damn I thought I'd win." He whined like a little child, you pulled away from him and looked up at him. To see him pouting.
"It's okay, there's always another time." You gave him a reassuring smile. Loud cheers caught your attention. You turned towards it to see the mysterious car that took the first place. People crowd around the car. People moved away slightly and you saw the racer. He gave the cameras before him a big grin. He must have felt your stare. He turned towards you, you however turned away. You didn't want seem like you were staring at him. You heard girls cheer around him, asking for pictures pretty loudly.
"Atleast I get silver." You brother said as he too looked at the young racer, over whom girls were swarmed. You chuckled slightly as you saw the little pout that he continued to keep.
"Do you know who he is?" You asked as you saw him posing to pictures. You brother shook his head. Was it his first time here? He was pretty good for a first timer.
"I've never seen him before." He said. Just as you were about to walk away. A crowd of female approach him, asking for autographs, pictures. And some of them asking if you were his girlfriend. He tried not to make a disgushted look. And told them you were his sister. After they spent like an hour of asking him stuff and taking pictures. They finally left. The gaurds there cleared them away. You were speaking to your brother. When he looked past you. You gave him a questioning look before turning around. And was instantly met with the winner.
"Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook." He said offering your brother a hand shake. Your brother held his hand firmly with a smile and introduced himself.
"Park Jimin, nice to meet you." He said. Jungkook looked at you, and offered a hand shake to. You gave him your hand.
"Park Y/N." You said as he nodded.
"I was actually having a party, you know to treat my friends. And I wanted to invite you. The both of you." He said looking at you brother when he said the last statement. Your brother, looked at you with a soft smile. He nodded.
"We'd love to be there." Jungkook gave a bunny smile and gave you the address. As he left your brother chuckled, shaking his head.
"The kid already likes you." He said, his words made your face heat up and your eyes widened in shock.
"Jimin, we just met." You said, as you looked away from him to avoid him looking at your face.
"Believe me, I know it." He said and walked away. You ran behind him arguing about it. Jimin only laughed.

Jungkook observed you run behind your brother. And he couldn't help let a smile decorate his handsome face. He saw the way your face had turned slightly flustered, how your hair fell on your shoulder and few strands suspended in the air as you speed walked. How your dress made you look perfect. He sighed as you vanished out of view. He sheepishly rubbed his nape with a small grin.

"Ma, I'm telling you he was like literally looking at her. He had that look when you know this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with." Your mother chuckled as Jimin kept ranting about Jungkook. She lovingly creased his dark locks.
"When are you going to look at a someone like that? With so much of love?" She asked. Jimin's face started turing red.
"Anyways ma, he invited the both of us to a party I got to go get ready." He said, as he got up and tripped over the chair. And walked out. Your mother laid her head down on her pillow. As she smiled remembering Jimin's words about the boy. She had hoped he was her man, and he would treat her like how.......her father treated her mother.

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