Day 1

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Okay! Day one is forced sleep from big 'ol daddy bats (Fanart is not mine) 

I apologize in advance for the shitty laptop emojis.  

Hal's brain was tunnel visioned to the large computer, his brain almost seemed wired to this 'mission' of getting his report done before anything else. Other members greeted him and waved, while some gave strange looks at the dirt covering his suit. "Hal! I guess that mission was pretty long you were going for like, 3 months!" His best friend came into view his red suit seen by anyone walking by. "Hey Barry," Hal grumbled walking forwards as the blonde rambled about what he had missed. He sloppily typed in his report on the large screen in front of myself. "You should sleep Hal, you look almost dead-" Barry's concerned tone had been cut of by a familiar gruff voice from the speakers surrounding the large room. "Justice League members please report to the meeting room." Barry's head turned to the hallway behind him, the small yellow lightning rods bobbing slightly. "I guess we should go to that meeting hey? But it is weird for Bruce to call a meeting out of know where like that, maybe something happened? Oh god-" Hal found himself tuning out the rambling speedster his eyes unfocused and blurry. Shaking his head slightly only made his oncoming headache worse, the brunettes knees became week his body almost collapsing. Staggering slightly he managed to stay upwards as Barry's steps stopped completely. Hal could feel those light blue eyes burning into the back of his, a hand on his back startling him from his trance. 

"Jeez Hal!" The blonde squeaked his body jerking back as Hal's body sharply turned around his hand slashing across the air. "Sorry Bare I-i'm just a little tired," he sheepishly rubbed his neck Barry breathing a sigh. "Sorry I startled you but are you okay? You looked like you were about to faint-" Hals eyes closed as he crossed his arms "I'm fine Barry, you should stop worrying." Barry's eyes shifted nervously behind the mask. "are you sure-" He stopped his sentence early realizing Hal had already stumbled to the meeting room. His eyes widened before he faced after his friend. 

- - -

"This meeting was unexpected Bruce, what happened?" Clark asked his arms placed on the table, the league tilted there head to Bruce asking for and answer. "There has been an energy spike in *The writer is too lazy to list a city name because there tired*, a high energy spike." A hologram showed on the center of the table, a blue earth spun a red pinpoint clearly shown. "We will be sending 2 league members to-" Hals ears rung as his eyes blurred black dots swarming across his vision. The voices drifted off as his eyes sight became unusable the blurry shapes of his friends fading as his vision became smaller. "Jordan!" His eyes snapped up from his sharp stare into the table. The brunette blinked confusingly his eyes drifting around the room locking eyes with batman's cowl. "Jordan where you even listening?" His stare burning into his head. His eyes unfocused and unfocused Hal finding himself unable to come up with a snarky comeback. 

"Hal?" His stare becoming less as Hal shook his head trying to get rid of the black dots staining his vision. "Can you say that again," he said trying to gain a sense on reality. League members frowned and some shook their head, oblivious to Hal's pain. (?) "You and myself will be sent to the *The writer is too lazy to list a city name because there tired* at 5:30 today. Our skill sets will be valuable to the mission," His annoyance blooming into the his gruff tone. Hal nodded as the meeting was de-meetinged. (I couldn't remember the word) Hal's legs felt like jello and his breathing shallow and rigid. Hal closed his eyes forcing his lungs to take a large gulp of air. Sighing in relief Hal shakily stood up, his hand death gripped the chair he previously sat on. Everyone had already left. Wincing at his sore ribs he shook off the rest of his tiredness of and shuffled towards the door of the meeting room. The tired brunette was unaware of the current bat watching himself from the rafters above. 

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