Part 12

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Title: Your what?!

Bruce and Hal walked into the large tower floating above the blue and green planet. A female robotic voice announced their arrival but the two men paid no mind. The brunette wore a brght green suit his legs and forearms covered in black dissenting into white on his hands and feet. The taller had black armor a bat crest decorating the front of his chest and his face was hidden behind a bat-like cowl. "Guardians are so annoying! Did you you know one time they asked me too-" the younger rambled on as they walked into the tower. "Finally when I told him no, he kicked me out!" "That sounds horrible love." Throwing his hands up Hal yelled about the mighty being while Bruce listened patiently. Rolling his eyes at his boyfriends oblivious behavior Bruce turned on one of the many coffee makers on the metal counter top. The blue illuminated his face slightly before he started pushing in a order he memorized long ago. 

"Are you even listening to me?!" The brunette yelled pointing an accusing finger at his fiance. Ignoring his screeching lover Bruce took the plain white mug in his hands, the hot liquid inside steaming. "Bruce! Bru-" a gloved hand covered his mouth to his surprise. Looking down he found the raven coloured hair covering it. Narrowing his eyes his mask white followed. 'So either my fiance bullies me or... I bite his hand and suffer the consequence... Fuck it!' Bruce let out a groan of pain as he felt teeth clench around his hands. Glaring back at his partner he ripped his hand out pulling Hal forward and onto Bruce's chest awkwardly. Shifted his unused hand back onto he stopped Hal from pulling away. The brunette unaware tired to pry away but Bruce's strong hand stopped him from doing so. "Your an ass," "I know." Mumbling angry grumbling into Bruce's chest relaxed against the older. "I can't believe I married you." Before Bruce could even say anything back he felt a surprised yell come from behind his back. "You're married?!" "You where dating?!" The surprised yells came from a curtain green arrow and speedster.

- - -

Oliver and Barry felt their ears perk up at the sign of their colleagues entering the watch tower. Today had been slow and uneventful the rest of the league had already left after a team bonding. (Which a Green lantern and Bat where missing) Their smiles grew mischievous as they snuck to the entrance carefully, watching creaky spots of the metal they memorized after other pranks. They watched as Hal rambled to the other about a recent mission and they grew even more curious. Barry signaled with his hand as he raced after the two. Nodding Oliver followed in suit. 

When they finally made it to the two men they found a sight they would never predict in millions of years. Hal was practically laying on Bruce as he sipped his hot coffee, a peaceful atmosphere hung around them. "Why did I ever marry you." That drew the blondes mouth open even more before Barry felt himself yell "You're married?!" "You where dating?!" Statements of shock came one after another, but the pair only turned their head a un-amused look on their faces. "Hal, what the hell you never told YOUR. BEST. FRIEND?!" Barry held a hurt look on his face while the brunette in mention only grumbled "I thought you knew." "How the hell would we know-" Cutting himself off he dragging a sad Barry from the room leaving the other two a bit stunned. 

"My friends are idiots." 

I know this was meant to be out a while ago but now I'm sick again so I'm having a great time. 

-Keith sighing out <3


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