Hal's Rule

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'Bruce is talking to his son don't bug him.'  The brunette's number one rule, let Bruce talk to his children interrupted, they come before him. 'Don't interrupt.'  Hal shifted on his feet nervously, looking at the many family pictures trying to take his attention from around the corner he stood by. His eyes where unfocused and blurry like he was zoning out, his body shivered violently as if he had jumped in ice cold water. His jaw was tightly clenched but you could hear the chattering teeth from miles. Blinking away the blurriness off his eyes Hal rubbed his arms harshly picking at the skin and pulling. The brunettes legs bucked and he fell to the floor a shivering mess, his breathe shallow and hoarse his eyes closed as tight as he could. He could barely make out Bruce's voice through the piercing ringing pounding in his ear. Lifting his hand to his hair he tugged and tugged trying to calm himself down from the anxiety attack. 'It was just a dream, it was just a dream, it was just a dream, it was just a dream-' he repeated as his shallow breathes quickened. The black room, the echoing of shouting and fear and finally a glass mirror reflecting part of himself he could never imagine to be real. His head pounded in pain the lights becoming to bright for him to even glance up, the talking in the room behind him becoming so loud he couldn't hear himself. Dragging his pressed nails across his arms left bruises and angry red marks decorating the flesh. Tears pressed against his eyes and slipped out streaking down his face, his hands tangled in his hazel hair pulling out strands as he sat on the floor withering in his own pain and hellhole. He tried to think, think of anything describe the surrounding like Bruce taught him but he couldn't, his brain would respond it wouldn't work 'is there something wrong with me? What if I'm broken? Can I be fixed?! What will happen if-' he spiraled in the anxiety attack. His breathing was still and tears blurred his glazed eyes. If only Bruce could see him... 

Sorry for the late update my finger is causing my hand some problems so it's bee hard writing. Plus the end of school was stressful for me and holy shit has this been hell. So uhhhh... Thanks for sticking around :)

- Keith sighing out <3

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