Day 4

406 12 4

Okay this ones short but sweet :)

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Hal was racing to the location he was texted a couple minutes ago, there was only an hour left till the morning. 

Hal was racing against time to get Dick's Christmas present, he had gotten Bruce's, Jason's, Tim's, Damian's and even Alfred's! But Dick rarely ever wanted something for himself, a hazerd Hal was willing to pay. 

Hal glanced at his new car before he got in it, the minutes passing faster as he moved past the speed limit trying to get there and back before the morning. "Shit!" Hal yelled as half an hour passed. Driving by cars he turned into the house, sweat sticking to his pounding head. 

It was a worn down motel, the roof sagged in the center as moss almost covering the entire crusted paint job. The parking lot paint had grown old and the only indicator for the spots were small cement stopper glued to the ground randomly. The building was grey and a moldy while dirt seared across every inch of it. A dim glowing sighn read 'Motel' in a vintage founts but the lights have all gone old and unusable. The rain pored on the ground like buckets as the large storm drain overfilled it's pipes clogged. Getting out of the slick black car Hal ran into the Motel before he asked fro the key to 35. Running outside of the building he made his way t the back, he was barely able to make out the sign of 35 its rusted 5 letters long since fallen off the small porch. 

Knocking on the door Hal checked the time. He had 20 minutes to get back home, wrap the present, put it under the tree and avoid the questions asked by Bruce. A old man answered his wrinkles sagging off his face his wispy hair having a large bald spot on the sop of his head, a large hunch supported by a cane. "Oh hello young man, have you come for the poster?" the sweet man asked. Nodding frantically Hal managed to catch his breathe barely managing a small 'yes.' Smiling the man disappeared bebofre coming back with a large poster of his a familiar circus. Smiling Hal said "Thank I'll make sure to send you the money as quick as I can." The man smiled again foundly watching as the brunette raced off.

- - -

Hal was stressed he had a were ten minutes to wrap all of his gifts to the household. He grabbed some wrapping paper and wrapped his hand steady and fast. Hal had so far wrapped a portrait of Bruce and his family, (god knows the man can't have enough pictures) a small letter for Jason telling him that the gun was in his room hidden, the said gun, a knew programming soft where Tim had been wanting for a while, a sharpening set for Damian's katana, a small trinket watch from England for Alfred to put on his 'trinket shelf' as he called it  and finally all that was left was the poster. He had five minutes and a bag next to him. He lightly stuffed the poster in a small case before putting it in a bag stuffing fluffed on top. Sighing he closed his eyes before tiredly moving his body up towards the living room. 

Gently placing the gifts under the tree he sighed laying on the couch, he had a minute to spare.

- - -             

Everyone had opened they're presents Jason smiling mischievously as Hal grinned back. Dick finally noticed on lone gift. "Who's is that?" he asked shuffling closer. Bruce stared on eyebrow raised as he looked at Hal's spot on the floor. "Oh, it's mine?" Dick's confusion plastered on his face before he ripped the stuffing open. His expression turn dead as he looked in the case.

"Oh," his voice cracked as he gently pulled the case out. Hal chewed on his finger nails nervously as Alfred started at him oddly. the family leaned in (except Hal) to see what he had got. The poster was a old light vintage blue with whites stripes a small family leaping off the words 'The Flying Grayson's' at the top was the words 'Haleys circus' with a clown in between. Red stars scattered around it. 

The family's eyes widened looking among just each other before looking at Hal. Dick hand rubbed fondly as the old sheet of paper. He turned around sharply leaping at Ha before bear hugging him. "Thank you," he whispered his rm tightening around the brunette. "Anytime..."

The family smiled fondly as Bruce sipped his coffee. "It really is a bright Christmas Sir."

sorry this ones short I'm tired and just finished writing chapter 3 sooo...

-Moth signed out <3

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