Part 5

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Part 5

"don't tell me what to do" said Aja as he gulps down the orange juice.
Once Aja was done eating, he went to watch tv, hoping to clear his mind from wearing diapers. His eyes got heavier and heavier by the minute. The laid down to get to a more comfortable. "No" he said to himself. By sleeping he would accidentally pee himself again. Proving Jaida that he does need diapers for the daytime. He sat back up and turned the volume higher to keep him awake. As he was browsing the channels, Jaida entered the room.
"Uh Aja?" she said sheepishly.
"What? Are my pants dry?" Aja replied.
"Well, kinda... it.... Shrunk in the dryer. I might have put the temperature too high" Jaida said.
"YOU DID WHAT?? Now I'm in diapers and no pants to cover. This pair of pants is too small for me now. How am I supposed to go to carmen's house later" Aja screamed as he jumped up?
"don't worry little guy. we'll rush down to the mall now and get you new pants. we'll be back by lunch. I'll bring you burger kings for you." Jaida as she rushes to her room to get her purse.
"I can't go out like this." Aja said.
"Hmm I may have an idea." Jaida said as she pulled Aja to her room.
"This was my old dress I wore when I was your age. It should fit you perfectly" Jaida said while finding her dress. A bright yellow full dress with a short skirt.
"There is no way I'm wearing that." Screamed Aja.
"Look I'm trying to help you. I don't know what you want me to do. Plus, you're young. you still have a girly kind of body. You can just wear a big hat too cover your face and nobody will know it's you" Jaida replied.

Aja's summer disaster Where stories live. Discover now