Part 13: carmen confrontation

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"It's Jaida. I peed the bed and she ruined all my pants. She hid my underwear and makes me wear this stuff. She was supposed to buy me new pants after her job interview. But here I am stuck outside in a dress and a diaper" said Aja as he wiped away his tears.
"Wait, she said she has a job interview? That's funny because I saw her hanging out with her friends at the mall while I was on the way here," said Carmen.
Aja and Carmen got up and went to the mall to spy on Jaida. There she was, laughing away with her friends drinking a smoothie "She's still there," said Carmen." You okay with that?" he added.
"no." Aja said angrily.
"So let me get this straight, you randomly woke up and find you that you wet the bed, 15mins later she already replaced all your underwear with diapers. Then she just so happened to shrink all of your pants. The same day she threw a party at your house." said Carmen.
"Yeah why?" Aja said.
"Dude. The store doesn't open that early, the only way she could have bought the diapers was the day before. Its like she knew you were gonna wet the bed the day before. Dude.... I hate to break it to you, but I think you just got played by your sister," said Carmen.
"I can't believe this; she's trying to ruin my whole summer just so that she can go around doing whatever she wants." Said Aja.
"Forget all that. You can stay at my place till your parents are back. You can even borrow my clothes. No big deal" Carmen said.
"Thanks man" Aja said.
"Well, well well, what do we have here. Just because we're not in school doesn't mean you can keep your lunch money. Empty your pockets" said ben, the school bully.
"who's she?" he added.
"Uh she's my girlfriend" said Carmen as Aja pulled down his hat, trying to cover his face.
"Yeah right. Look at her hiding. She definitely doesn't want to be with a gamer boy like you. Come on girly. You can be my girlfriend" said Ben as he pulled Aja towards him.
Carmen got up and Aja's other arm. With both Ben and Carmen pulling, Aja was trying not to pee himself. But it was no use. He was starting to fill his diaper and eventually trickle down his legs.
"Ew she just peed herself. You can have her.  I don't want a girl that piss herself." Said ben as he let Aja go.
"Aja! That was awesome! Did you do that on purpose?" Carmen asked.
Aja didn't reply to a word. He just started crying "I hate this," said Aja.
"I think I have a plan to get back at Jaida," said Carmen

Aja's summer disaster Where stories live. Discover now