Chapter 10

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Jack's POV


I was just about to put my plan into action when I heard a gasp from the other side of the room. It was only a quiet intake of breath but I recognised it. I spun  around on my heel and pushed my way through the crowd. A small circle was forming around Zoe, Alfie and one of Finn's friends Jessica.

'Alfie... I thought you...' Zoe mumbled obviously shocked at the sight on Jessica kissing her boyfriend. Mascara was streaming down her small face, I just wanted to go and kiss her and tell her everything would be okay.

'Zoe I can explain-' Alfie pushed obviously drunk Jessica away standing up but Zoe recoiled. I stepped forward.

"Okay Alfie how can you explain it? You asked Zoe and cheat on her straight away?" I glared at him, hearing a small sob from next to me.

"It's not like that!" He tried, but Zoe interrupted.

"No! This is over!" She yelled snapping the 'Love' necklace of her neck, throwing to the floor by Alfie's feet.

"To think I trusted you." She glared at him one final time before she ran out of crowd of watching guests still crying. Everyone was silent apart from the thumping of the loud music, still shocked by the scene. Alfie lowered his head and bent down to pick ups broken necklace. He stared at it in his hands for a minute before straightening up and striding out of the room. I stepped front of him.

I stepped in front of him.

"I think you should leave her for a while." I said disgusted, he must of only asked her out tonight from what Zoe told me, why would he cheat straight away?

"Mind your own business, Jack." He spat my name out as he pushed me back. Two other people stepped out from behind me,

Chai and Marcus.

"Dude, chill. Best if you wait for her to cool down. You're not going to get anywhere tonight." Marcus said quietly. Alfie glared at me, I felt smug, I couldn't ask Zoe out now, but at least Alfie was pretty much out of the equation.



Oh my God. What the HELL was Alfie thinking? As soon as the argument was over I burst into uncontrollable years and ran upstairs into the first room possible. I didn't know who's it was, but I was thankful that no one else was up here.

I sat down, my back pressed against the wall and my knees drawn up to my chest. What was I going to do? Alfie's the one who drove us here, it would be so awkward, easpecially with Troye. I start crying again, when I hear footsteps. Quickly I wipe the mascara off my face as fast as I can before I hear a knock. I held my breath, for once it my life I hoped it wasn't Alfie.

"Its Jack."  The voice says softly. I breath out smiling slightly.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Yeah sure." And then I realise something, this is his room. I cringe inwardly as the door opens.

"Sorry, I didn't realise this was your room, I just went for the closest door. I can leave if-" I start rambling.

"Don't worry about it! You're welcome here anytime." He closes the door behind him, sitting next to me.


"I really thought I could trust Alfie." Zoe murmurs staring at the carpet. I look at her, evebn with smudged mascara lines and tears streaming down her face, she looked really pretty. I thougt back to ehat she had said. I didn't think I could trust Alfie, but I thought he would at least take care of Zoe.

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