Chapter 3

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Zoe's POV


I sit opposite Niomi in a small cafe in Brighton. We sip on our hot chocolates, 4 bags full of clothes and gifts at our feet. We finished shopping around about 3 but then decided to have a drink and talk.

"We should be getting back soon." I say finishing my hot chocolate. Today has been really fun. Niomi and I laughed so much trying on dresses and buying gifts for the party.

 "Yeah, I suppose." Niomi paused to finish off her drink. "That dress suited you perfectly." Niomi was refering to the green dress I had bought earlier. "Alfie will love it." She said grinning.

"You think Alfie will really like it?" I say, thinking about him gave me butterflies in my stomach.

 "I'm sure! Mind you I'm pretty sure Jack will too!" She says, we both giggle.

 "He is pretty fit, though." I say thinking of that Italy trip we went on where we all went swimming.

 "Marky is pretty fit." She says in a daze, Niomi suddenly bursts out laughing realising what she had said, I laugh with her.

 "Speaking of Marcus, how are you two getting on in the new house?" I inquire. Niomi and Marcus just moved in together a couple of weeks back and have been working on their house like crazy.

 "It's good actually, we are nearly done with the painting in our room, I can't wait until it's finished. It's so nice to live with someone else." I bet it is, thinking back to Alfie.

Marcus's POV


The front door clicks open.

"I'm home!" Niomi shouts. I don't reply, concentrating on editing my video.

"Marky?" She walks into the sitting room, plonking herself down next to me.

"Hey," I say turning round to kiss her lightly on the forehead. "Did you have fun shopping?"

"Yeah it was great, I got a really nice dress." Niomi chattered on about her day.

"How about you?" She says getting up to go get her phone from across the room. I gulp.

"I haven't really done much, but it was pretty good." I lie. Niomi unlocks her phone frowning slightly.

"That's strange." She muttered. I can feel my palms getting sweaty, does she know I was looking through her messages? She can't know. I tell myself.

"What is it?" I say trying to act normal.

"It's just I didn't leave my phone here and..." She trails off.

"And what?" I say, wanting to know now more than ever if she knows. She frowns even more.

"Well I haven't got a notification for a message I got, and my phone says I've already read it." There is a short moment of silence.

"Yeah Alfie said that his phone makes other people's phones do weird stuff." I blurt out, making up the excuse as I go along. Niomi looks at me suspiciously.

"How did you know I was texting Alfie?" Her stare is so intent, I cast my eyes at the floor.

"I-I um," I can definately feel colour rising in my cheeks. "Well-" Niomi cuts me off.

"Did you look through my messges, Marcus?" She looks at me disbeilvingly. All of a sudden I feel angry. I am her boyfriend why can't I look through her messages, she has nothing to hide. Or so I thought.

"Yes I did. I did and I'm glad I did because at least now I know that you're not being truthful. At least now I know that you don't tell me everything!" My voice rises as I stand up, putting my laptop to one side. I don't know why I'm acting like this.

"Well you're not being truthful either! Just reading through my messages and then acting like you didn't know? You could've at least told me." She says the last part as if she is disappointed in me.

"How was I meant to tell you when you were talking about something like that? I didn't want to hurt you! What were you talking about anyway?" I say, close to pleading. I had been thinking about it all day. Niomi's face breaks down, looking guilty.

"Marky, I can't tell you. It wouldn't be fair on Alfie." She looks at me with a sorry look.

"Why? Why can't you tell me? We're dating, we live together, we share the same bed! What could it possibly be that you couldn't tell me." I look at her face. The same face that I've woken up to for weeks, the same face that I have kissed so many times. The same face that I love. I would tell her.

"Marky, I just can't, okay? You have to understand." That's it. I storm out slamming th living room door behind me. I know I'm acting childish, but it's not right. Why wouldn't she tell me. It must be something special. Maybe she likes Alfie. I push away those thoughts. It must be something really stupid like a surprise birthday party. I go upstairs into our room. I hear Niomi's voice downstairs.

"Alfie?" She sniffs quietly. Pain floods into my chest. I really hope it is a birthday party.


Heeeey! First bit of drama, don't worry there is plenty more to come! Chapter 4 will be up tomorrow! I don't usually upload the next chapter unless I have at least 1 view on my previous one so please keep reading! Thank you so much if you've already read up to this far!


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