Chapter 4

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Niomi's POV

"Alfie?" I sniff.

"Niomi!" He pauses. "Are you okay?" I gulp.

"Marcus read my messages with you, he thinks something is going on." I say quickly. I bite my lip worrying that Marcus would hear. He would go insane if he knew that I was talking to Alfie.

"Oh... Did you tell him?" Alfie says, nervousness lacing his voice.

"No, but now he is really annoyed at us." I say, biting the skin on my thumb.

"You could have told him, its not that big a deal." Alfie says, but I can tell from his voice it is a big deal.

"Alifie, asking Zoe to move in with you is a big deal. Anyway its none of his buisness, you asked me to help you. If Marcus knew it would be too many people, and Marcus is terrible at keeping secrets." I say trying to reassure myself more than Alfie. I really wanted this to work out between Alfie and Zoe. Alfie asked me for my advice on the situation, telling Marcus as well would be like telling everyone.

"I guess. I need to ask you something." Alfie says urgently.

"What is it?" I relpy.

"Do you think that Zoe would like a necklace as a present?" I laugh.

"Alfie, you're overthinking this! She'll love whatever you give her because its from you. You know her the best, you two are practically dating." I say, happy that Alfie is finally going to ask Zoe out.

"You're right. Maybe I should wait until after the party, the thought of all those people..." He trails off obviously worrying again.

"Alfie, it'll be fine. No matter what you do. Goodnight!" I say.

"Goodnight!" Alfie calls back. I hang up and sit on the stairs, debating on whether to go speak to Marcus now or wait until later.

Troye's POV

After finally having lunch we returned to Tyler's hotel room so he can film a video.

"So hello there everybody!" Tyler says loudly clapping his hands together. I'm still half mad at him for oversleeping, but I guess that's Tyler for you. I switch off and start going through twitter on my phone. I notice there are a few of tweets about Tyler and Phil and his previous video. I click onto YouTube link looking the comments of our last video together that went out 2 days ago. I frown, every so often there is a comment saying: 'Tyler seems to like Phil more than Troye ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)' Tyler says that he likes a lot of people. I tell myself. But then again did you see the way he talked about Phil. I wonder whether Dan has seen the video.

"So this month I am reccommending..." Tyler's voice babbles on about some stupid advertisment. I start to feel angry, barely any of his videos have no advertisments anymore, if any.

"Tyler maybe you should just stop advertising stuff, its really annoying." I say, immidiately feeling bad afterwards. Stupid comments putting me in a bad mood. I think.

"Troye, I'm helping my people, they can save money while I earn money." He says grinning.

"All I'm saying is that nobody finds it interesting." My eyes go back to my phone, I really don't want to get into an arguement but I can feel my anger boiling up inside me.

"Don't tell me to stop advertising when in every single one of your videos you talk about your music or merchendise." I look up, Tyler's face turns a pale shade of pink.

"Your videos are 75% adverts Tyler! At least I actually worked hard on the stuff I advertise!" I say. How dare he accuse me of advertising, I barely do it compared to him!

Tyler looks at me for a moment, his eyes burning into mine. I look away.

"I think I can do the rest of the video on my own." Tyler says, almost like he is dismissing me. I take the hint and leave without saying anything. Maybe I was a bit harsh. Maybe Tyler should appreciate me a bit more.

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