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"Is there a problem?" Eren asks. "I don't know if you saw, but we were kind of in the middle of something there."

Reiner laughs. "Oh, I saw." He looks at you. "You're a whore. It's only been like a month since we broke up."

You sigh, standing up to leave. You don't want to deal with this right now.

"You think it's cool to run around and call girls whores?" Eren is defending you.

It's nice of him, but you hate that he's involved now. You and Reiner broke up two months ago. He can't even remember when the breakup occurred.

"Well, I mean she is going around and sleeping with everybody it seems." Reiner is looking directly at you.

Eren knows nothing about you, yet he continues to defend you. "So it's okay for you to sleep around, but not her? I think you should see the size of the hickey on your neck right now."

"Okay, enough." You say. Everybody around you is starting to stare. "We are not together anymore. You don't own me, I can do what I want when I want. Now leave me the fuck alone."

Reiner ignores you, stepping closer to Eren.

Eren isn't intimidated at all.

"Don't let her think that she's worth anything," Reiner says as his lips curve into a smile.

His words don't really hurt you because you know what type of person he is. He means nothing to you at all. Reiner was a quick relationship. He was nice at first, but after you started dating and you finally slept with him, things went downhill from there. He is also an alcoholic.

Despite the fact Eren is hearing all these things come from Reiner, he punches him in the face, making Reiner stumble back onto the table.

Your eyes widen and Eren looks at you, holding his hand out. "Let's get out of here."

Without even thinking, you take his hand into yours, and soon enough you're both running out of the house. You start laughing and when Eren notices, he does too. People scattered out in the yard are looking at you guys, thinking you're crazy.

"I think it's possible that if we continue further, I may fall in love." You blurt out, looking at him.

He smiles. "Seems like we should continue then."

Eren leads you down the road to his car and you nearly stumble into it, but he catches you, holding you up straight.

"Thank you." You thank him.

"For what?" He is still holding onto you.

You look away. "For defending me."

It's a good thing you came to this party tonight. You would have missed out on something great if you hadn't come.

Eren lets go of you and then leans against his car. "Don't worry about it. Any guy who acts like that is just...I can't even think of the proper word. But either way, he had no right to speak to you like that."

It's silent for a moment and you lean against the car as well. It's September and it's starting to get a bit cooler at night, but the air feels great. It was hot inside the frat house. So it's relaxing.

"Do you wanna go back to my apartment?" Eren glances at you.

You nod without hesitation. Is it a bit crazy? Yes. But what he did for you in there, you don't want to leave his side.

Even if you go back to the dorms, Reiner will probably show up and harass you.

"I want to go." You say with a soft smile.

Walking around the car, Eren opens the passenger door for you. Slowly, you walk up and get inside. He shuts the door and walks around, getting in the driver's side.

It's quiet the whole ride to his place.

It's weird, but you trust him.

Music plays softly in the background, and you start to feel tired and lean against the door. Eren notices, glancing at you. He smiles.

He was hoping to get to know you better, but you're tired, and he doesn't want to bother you with any questions to keep you up.

After a few minutes, Eren finally pulls into the parking lot of his apartment. You look around.

"Come on." He says, getting out of the car.

Eren makes it around the car and opens the door for you. Such a gentleman.

"Thank you." You thank him.

You follow him up to his apartment and wait as he unlocks the door. It's nice and clean inside, which isn't shocking to you. He doesn't seem like the messy type.

He sets his things on the counter and looks at you. "Okay, I'll take the couch and you can take the bed."

Now he's offering his bed to you? Yeah, at this rate, you're going to fall in love with him.

"Are you sure? I don't mind the couch. I've slept on plenty of them." You feel bad in this situation. He's giving up his own bed for you.

"Yeah, I'm sure." He says.

He shows you the bedroom and shows off the bathroom. "Let me know if you need anything else. I also have some clothes in the drawer, feel free to change into anything."

Before he can leave you alone in the room, you stop him. "Sleep in the bed with me." You say.

Eren stares at you for a moment to see if you're serious. "What?"

"You don't have to. But I don't mind if you're in the bed too." You're feeling quite lonely and it wouldn't hurt anybody. Neither of you plans on doing anything since he already said he didn't want to have sex with you.

Slowly, he nods. "Okay."

What you're wearing isn't uncomfortable, and you don't really feel like changing anyway. Eren turns the light off as you crawl into the bed, and he slides his shirt off and tosses it to the side. He will pick it up in the morning.

Both of you get comfortable and you close your eyes.

"Goodnight." He says.

You smile. "Goodnight, Eren."


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— some notes —

ignore the dates I put if you want, it's just to help me keep track of the days because its a lot to keep up :D


OUR JOURNEY | EREN JAEGERWhere stories live. Discover now