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Whenever you arrive at the apartment, you put all your things up and head straight for the bedroom. Pieck is lying there in bed and when she notices you, she sits up, a smile on her face. "How was work today?"

"It was good, I think." You say, clearing your throat and walking over to the bed to have a seat.

You're not really in the best mood to talk at the moment. On the way home, you tried to call Eren, but he never answered, he only sent a text saying that he would call you tomorrow because he's busy at the moment.

Every day you two talk less and it scares you.

"What's wrong?" She then asks, noticing the saddened look on your face.

"Eren and I haven't talked much since I've been here. I really miss him." You answer as you take your shoes off, putting them off to the side out of the way. "We talked last night, but other than that, nothing else has really happened."

Pieck sighs. "I hate to say it, but he's probably seeing somebody else. People like him don't really stick around."

You look at her.


"Well if anybody is going to tell you the truth, it's me." She shrugs and slides off the bed, walking into the bathroom connected to the room.

There's a knock at the front door and you get up, rushing to see who it is. Mainly just because you were ready to exit that conversation. As you open the door, your eyes land on Porco's figure standing there with some food. "Hey."

"Hi. What're you doing here?" You ask.

He smiles, laughing softly. "Oh, things felt a bit off with us today. So I wanted to bring you food, plus you stayed late and I'm sure you haven't eaten since lunch."

This is thoughtful of him. "Thank you, Porco. I appreciate it."

"And one more thing...I might've also got you some furniture. It's in the truck downstairs." His eyes shift from yours so he can't see the look on your face. He knows that he shouldn't have gone overboard, but he couldn't help himself.

A sigh leaves your lips. "Porco, you have to stop spending so much money on me. I'm okay with what I have now, things will progress, it just takes time."

"The amount I spend on you is nothing. I have more than thousands saved up with nothing to spend it on, just let me do this for you..." His voice is low. Porco grabs hold of your hand but you pull it away.

Pieck makes herself known, appearing beside you as she smiles at Porco. "You might as well just let him spend the money on you."

You look at her, eyebrows knitting together. She's staring a hole through the boy and whenever you look at him, his eyes widen and he seems nervous. Do they know each other? God, you hope not. That would be a little awkward.

"Okay, let's see it." You step forward before glancing back at the girl, noticing the sly smirk painted on her face. "I'll be back." Shutting the door, you look at him and he seems to have frozen for a moment, so you shake him lightly.

He snaps out of it, his eyes finding yours.

That whole thing was weird. They have to know each other. The way they were acting gave it all away.

"Are you okay?" You finally ask, your voice laced with concern.


The next day you are seated in your chair, your mind drifting to the events of last night. After you followed Porco downstairs, he would barely speak to you. He seemed terrified. But you didn't want to push him by asking anything too personal.

He helped bring the furniture upstairs and immediately left without another word.

You haven't even seen him in the office today. Is he avoiding you now?

Pieck was in bed whenever you came back upstairs, which left you insane. So many questions yet no answers.

With a sigh, you lean back in your chair and continue to work, pushing all your thoughts to the side, leaving them for a future problem.

Pulling your eyes away from the screen, you spin around in your chair, looking out of the large glass window. With each day that went by, you found yourself growing more fond of the view, your fear of heights going away. Seeing the rain hit the window made you feel at ease.


Finishing everything up earlier than usual, you pack up your things and leave the office. As you're walking back, you can't help but notice that Porco still hasn't shown up. He is definitely avoiding you. But he can't do it forever.

Whoever Pieck is to him must be a huge thing.

You catch an Uber home and suddenly dread the sigh of Pieck. All you're going to do is wonder why the hell the two acted so oddly last night.

But whenever you unlock the door, you notice the apartment is empty. "Pieck?" You call out quietly.

Stepping into the apartment, you shut the door and look around before walking to the bedroom, seeing that all of her things are gone.

It must have bothered her as well if she left without saying anything. But you're not sure if it even bothered her as she was the only one smiling, while he seemed to fear it.

This whole thing is giving you a damn headache.



OUR JOURNEY | EREN JAEGERWhere stories live. Discover now