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You wake up the next morning feeling fresh and confident. You called the internship and they demanded to see you immediately, which kind of killed the mood. Why did it have to be so sudden?

"You got this, okay?" Eren comes up from behind, shoving his face in the crook of your neck.

You grab hold of him. "It's not too late for me to change my mind. I can easily cancel everything and just stay here with you."

He turns you to face him. "No, no. You can do it. I'm very proud of you..."

Your face warms up at his words and he uses his finger to lift your chin. "Now, if you want, I can come up there and help you unpack."

Instantly you shake your head. "If you come up there with me, I'll want you to stay and we both know you can't. I can invite Pieck...or maybe Mikasa and Sasha."

Vala has no idea you're doing this, but you'd leave a note for her in the dorm. You don't want to trouble her with a text or call, so her seeing the note will have her contact first.

You end up calling Pieck and Mikasa to help you, and right now it's just you and Pieck since you sent Eren home.

"So you told me that Erens your boyfriend but whenever I asked him, he said you two weren't dating." Pieck lifts a brow, leaning against the wall while looking at you.

When did she have a chance to even ask him that? "You talked to him?"

She nods, keeping her eyes on you.

"Our relationship is complicated, it's a no-label kinda thing...I guess." You didn't know how else to put it. It's not like it's any of her business, you just met her.

Pieck didn't say much else, she just started to help pack things up.

Mikasa shows up eventually, helping gather the last of your things. It was almost time to leave since your flight would be taking off soon and you want to get there early.

"I can't miss these finals or else I'd go..." Pieck says, smiling at you. "But I'm going to seriously miss you. I want to get closer to you."

Before leaving, you take one last look around the room and let out a sigh. You're going to miss this place though it wasn't the best. But here you were able to meet some great people in your life.

Taking one last look, you then step out of the room and shut the door, heading down to follow after the girls. When you get outside, you notice Eren leaning against his car with the others.

You smile at the sight, waving at them the best you can.

They all came to say goodbye.

Eren takes the things out of your hands and loads them up into the car as you wrap your arms around both Connie and Sasha. "I'm gonna miss you two little shits. Don't cause any trouble for Eren while I'm gone, okay?"

"We won't. It's not really all too much fun when you're not around." Connie says making you laugh.

"And I'll try not to eat all the food. Oh, and Nicolo apologizes that he couldn't make it, but he says that he'll miss you and he'll be sure to send some food up there for you." Sasha says smiling.

You all let out a laugh. "Let him know I'll miss him too." You say.

When you pull away, Jean wraps his arms around you and spins you around. "Be careful up there. We'll be coming to visit you shortly, I promise."

"Thank you, Jean. I appreciate it." You hug him tightly.

Looking over, you notice Armin and Annie so you pull away from Jean and head over to them. "I'll miss you guys, plus the little one. Make sure to read her some good bedtime stories for me."

OUR JOURNEY | EREN JAEGERWhere stories live. Discover now