𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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"Porco, what the hell." You rub your temples, turning around as you let out a deep breath.

He lifts a brow, walking toward you. "Why are you acting like that? I thought we were on good terms."

You turn around, backing away whenever you see how close he is to you. "But Porco...this is just...crazy."

After a moment, you let out a scoff and walk out the door, heading straight for the elevators. You dropped out of school to be here, this all feels like a joke now. Right before you're able to hit the button to open the doors, Porco pulls you away.

This is the closest you've been to him in years. You look down at his hands as he holds onto you.

"Just listen to me before you get mad, or try to leave. My dad's friend passed the company down to him, and just left me in charge of everything. When your boyfriend called me...I couldn't miss the opportunity to have you up here working with me. I know you. I knew you would come." Porco explains quickly, continuing to hold onto you.

Your eyes widen at his words and his facial expression changes when he notices.

Boyfriend? Does he mean Eren? "There are others out there in the world better than me, you're just wasting your time with me." You pull back from him.

"Not to me." He says simply.

You look into his eyes. You've come too far to turn back now. Things will just be tough.

Porco notices you relax. "You'll be great here, I promise. Now...come on, let's get you settled in." He holds a hand out for you to take.

Your eyes slowly move down to his hand and for a moment, you just stare at it. You're hesitant to move on with this part of your life, but you know you need to. Not only that, you've traveled and given up so much just to be here. You put your hand in his and he smiles.

He shows you to your office, and you take a look around the organized room. "How convenient...right next to your office."

Porco has no comment to make about that.

You nod your head slowly.

"Anyway, feel free to decorate it however you'd like. It's all yours. You know where to find me if you need anything." Porco says before walking backward, running into the glass window before quickly adjusting himself and walking out the door.

Without a thought, you look around the room, wondering where to start. You didn't even imagine having your own space. Sure maybe one day, but so soon?


Lunch rolls around and you sit in the office, getting adjusted to the computer.

So far, the only thing you've noticed you don't like about the office is the fact that you can literally see everything outside. It's terrifying yet so pretty at the same time. However, you're just scared of heights.

There's a knock on the door and you look up, seeing Porco step inside with a smile on his face. "Wanna grab some lunch with me?"

"No thanks, I'm trying to figure all this stuff out right now." You reply.

He lets out a sigh. "My treat."

You shake your head before noticing your phone go off. "Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather just eat whenever I get out."

Grabbing your phone, you read the message from Eren. A smile appears on your face and Porco takes a step back, looking defeated.

"You know...I am your boss now. So, you're going to have to talk to me eventually. Better to get it over with me than later, right?"

You look up from your phone. "Fine."


As you sit across from him, you can't help but think coming here was a mistake. Not just the restaurant but just all the way out here.

Maybe it would've been better to have just stayed there with everybody. You only had one year left of college before you graduated, and now you're here.

"I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I was young...and just, stupid." Porco says randomly, breaking the silence. "If I could just go back and fix everything."

The silence would've been more comfortable than having this conversation with him.

"Hate to break the news to you, but you can't." You deadpan, taking a sip of your drink and looking off to the side clearly annoyed. "Leaving things on good terms normally means you never speak to each other again."

He winces at your words. Porco's eyes are burning a hole through you, and you try your best to ignore it. "Do you regret coming here?"

You continue to stare off to the side, not bothering to look at him for even a second. "I haven't really figured that one out yet."


— some notes —

welcome to part 2, i hope you enjoy it. please always make sure to read the warnings as pregnancy will be a huge part from this point forward, and i don't want to hear any rude comments.

i have other eren fanfics you can check out!


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