𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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"And she just kissed you?" Eren asks, shoving a fry into his mouth as he listens to you talk about what happened yesterday with you and Pieck.

You nod, stealing one of his fries. "Yeah, but she's super sweet and I feel like me not kissing her back only upset her more. I think I gave her the wrong idea."

Whenever they finished eating, together they lay in bed. "I don't know why I'm suddenly so turned on right now." You're smiling at him.

Eren chuckles, lifting a brow. "Oh yeah?"

As you climb on top of him, your phone rings, making you let out a groan. Reaching over, you pick it up and answer it.

Suddenly your eyes widen and you stumble off of Eren, and onto your feet. "This is me." You say, looking over at Eren who sits up with a confused look on his face.

The woman on the other end continued speaking, but it only made you frown. "Would I be able to get back to you on that offer?" You ask, pursing your lips. "Okay, thank you."

Hanging up, you toss the phone over to the side. "Fuck."

"What happened? Who was that?" Eren is concerned.

"It was about a paid internship." You say, sitting on the bed.

He smiles, feeling happy for you. "That's great news! Why do you look so down?"

You let out a sigh. "I'd have to drop out of college, Eren. I have one year left, I'm not so sure I'm ready for that. Plus its several hours away."

"It's something you really want to do, and I know it'll make you happy if you accept the offer." Eren wraps an arm around you as you lean against him.

"I have a week to get back to them, or else they'll choose somebody else. I have no idea what to do, I feel so lost right now. It's so sudden. And if I do even take the opportunity, it may not even work out for me. Then dropping out of school was for nothing, and then I am literally nothing." You ramble.

Before anything else is said between you, the door opens and Pieck walks in. "Am I interrupting?" She smiles over at you.

You smile softly. "Nope, you're okay."

Eren is staring at her.

"I don't think we've met before," Pieck says, walking over to him with her hand out. "Nice to meet you, I'm Pieck."

He nods. "Eren."

You grab his face. "He's my boyfriend."

Pieck nods casually before you turn his head toward you, and you kiss him.

Even though Pieck had just gotten out of a relationship, right now she seems pretty fine. Pieck watches you kiss Eren before he pulls away, standing and looking down at Pieck. "Actually, we were pretty busy, can you excuse us?"

She bit her lip before walking over to the door.

You let out a low laugh before Eren pulls his shirt off and pushes you against the bed.


Later after you and Eren finished up, Pieck came back over and the three of you watched movies together until Eren got ready to leave. "I'm gonna head out, are you coming with me?" He looks over at you.

You nod. "Yeah, I wanna come."

The dark eyes that belong to Pieck follow you around the room, watching as you lean up on your tippy toes to kiss Eren. "You're just gonna leave me?"

"Sorry, it gets boring alone here at night." You say to her, shrugging.

You don't really need to grab anything since everything you need is already at Eren's apartment.

She huffs but she follows you two out and then you lock the door.

"Bye Pieck, I'll see you soon." You send her a little wave as you start walking away with Eren.

Later, you're laying on the bed with Eren at your side. A movie is playing on the TV and you're trying to focus but it's getting harder as the internship keeps eating at you.

"You okay?" Eren notices that you're someplace else.

Letting out a sigh, you shake your head. "I can't stop thinking about the fucking internship." You say. "It's a great opportunity, I just don't think I have it in me to drop out of college and move away for it."

"You've been waiting months for something like this. You need to follow your dreams, if it doesn't work out, you can always go back to school later." Eren assures you.

You look at him with a frown on your face as tears well in your eyes. "I also don't want to leave you."

Eren leans over, kissing you. "Don't let me get in the way of doing what you truly want. I can always visit whenever I want."

Your hand goes to the back of his neck, pulling him in for another kiss while climbing into his lap.

"I love you, okay? Nothing is going to change that." He says making your heart swell.

"I love you." You lean back down, reconnecting your lips.

And you've made your decision.



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OUR JOURNEY | EREN JAEGERWhere stories live. Discover now