𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

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Waking up the next morning, you start gathering all of your things. You want to leave a bit early, so you can see Eren, though you had originally decided not to. And he hasn't responded to any of your texts.

Porco is still sleeping and you need to wake him up soon. But as you turn around, you notice that he is already awake, startling you with his stance. He's just sitting there staring at you with his eyes squinted.

"Uh, I got you some water and aspirin..." You say, your eyes shifting to the table.

He nods and doesn't say anything, letting out a cough.

Your eyes shift to the side. "I'm leaving. I'll meet you at the airport?"

"Where... never mind." He stops himself and you can hear the disappointment in his voice, and you have no other choice but to ignore it.

Walking around the bed, you grab your phone and suitcase before leaving the hotel room.  When you make it down to the lobby, you hear your name being called out, and you turn around, seeing Porco. "Let me go with you, just give me a bit to get my stuff together and that way we can leave for the airport after."

You nod slowly. "Okay, I'll be waiting in the car then?"

Porco immediately turns around and rushes back over toward the elevators.

Thankfully, it doesn't take him but at least 10 minutes and he's outside walking toward the car. "I'll drive." He says and you nod, throwing him the keys and switching seats.

The drive to Eren's apartment is silent while the radio plays silently.

You're shocked he even remembers how to get there, but you say nothing and wait for him to pull into the parking lot.

When he pulls up, you unbuckle your seatbelt. "It won't take me long, I promise."

Porco nods and puts his shades on while you get out of the car, making your way inside the building and going straight for Eren's apartment.

Taking a deep breath, you lift your hand and knock a couple of times, and wait for the door to open.

Something isn't sitting right in your stomach and you hope it's just the fact that you haven't had breakfast.

The door opens and you immediately meet Eren's red eyes. "What's wrong?"

He hides his face behind the door, wiping his face better. "I didn't expect to see you."

"You never answered my texts...you okay?" You take a step forward.

Eren isn't sure how to answer and you watch as his lips part while he tries to speak, but nothing comes out. And you're worried, getting closer to him but he shakes his head. "Not right now, please..."

You look taken aback, confused at his words. "I'm sorry."

"I hate that you're seeing me this way before you leave. I'm sorry." Eren finally looks into your eyes.

Studying his face, you tilt your head. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not with you." He says coldly.

Your eyes widen and you can feel the pain in your heart. But it doesn't take him long to realize what he said and he exhales. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

"No, it's okay. I shouldn't have come...I'll see you." You spin around and walk down the hallway, fighting back tears.

Is it okay to be upset over something like that? Or are you just being dramatic?

Whatever it is, you don't care right now. You just want to leave. So you head back down to the car where Porco waits for you patiently.

When you get inside, he turns and looks at you, seeing how you face away from him. He knows you're upset.

"Everything all right?" He asks.

"Yeah. I just wanna go." You reply.

Porco nods, knowing you will bring it up if it really bothers you later.

Eren finally walks back into his apartment, shutting the door and leaning against it for a moment before going to the couch.

When he takes a seat, he wraps his arms around himself and his leg starts bouncing up and down while he stares down at the pregnancy test sitting on the table before him.

He shouldn't even feel the way he does right now. He has a girlfriend who loves him deeply, which is you.

But when you were with somebody else for so long, and they end up with your best friend and now they're having a child together, how can that not upset him?

Mikasa is his first love and yet she cheated on him with his best friend. How do they deserve to have a child together? How is that fair?

Picking up the pregnancy test, he chunks it to the side and heads to his bedroom, slamming the door shut and climbing into bed. He needs to get his shit figured out.

His biggest regret is not going after you.



OUR JOURNEY | EREN JAEGERWhere stories live. Discover now