𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗼𝗻𝗲

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Today is the big day.

You're anxious, to say the least. But Porco has been helping a lot and you're very thankful for him.

Reaching over, you grab your phone off the end table and unlock it before sending a quick text to Eren. You let out a sigh and stood up, walking over to your suitcase.

"Let's go." Porco comes into view, running a hand through his hair. "We're gonna be late."

And the two of you rush to the airport, making it to your gate with no trouble before boarding the plane.

After you get comfortable in your seat, you somehow find yourself smiling at the thought of seeing Eren again. You've been missing him dearly, and you know that simply being around him will boost your mood and make you feel at home.

Glancing over, you notice Porco lost in his thoughts. Letting out a sigh, you close your eyes and hope for sleep to overtake you.


Porco waves for the driver to come around, and as the driver does, Porco watches the trunk open before he begins to load it up with their luggage.

"The meeting should only last about an hour. And we have to meet somebody tomorrow as well...but I can do that alone." Porco says, slamming the trunk shut before walking around the car to open the door for you.

You enter the car after you nod in response.

Waiting patiently, you watch Porco hand another man some money before getting into the car on the opposite side of you.

"Are you sure you want to go alone tomorrow? I don't mind coming. It is what I came here to do." You say, looking at him.

Porco nods at the driver, letting him know it's okay to drive.

He doesn't say anything else and the rest of the car ride is silent.

Finally, the car stops in front of a large building and your eyes widen. "I had no idea this was ever here."

He cracks a smile before getting out of the car.

Opening the door you step out and the cool breeze hits your skin, making you shiver. Maybe you should've brought a jacket. And just as the thought crosses your mind, Porco is handing you one that fits with the outfit you're wearing. "Thanks." You say softly.

"Okay, let me do all the talking," Porco says looking over at the building. "Just take notes for next time."

You nod, walking up the small steps.

Porco is following after you, looking around as you two approach the entrance.

Once you reach the door, he stops and looks at you. "You ready?" He asks.

"I'm ready" You nod.


You're seated in the chair surrounded by people you don't know, listening to the things they have to say about the company.

To make yourself more at ease, you glance out the window, seeing an airplane in the sky.

"Okay, well, we're doing good on money. Maybe if we had someone to do the math, we'd be making extra? Either way, maybe we can invest in a building here?" Somebody at the end of the table speaks up, catching your attention.

As you look over, Porco's eyes are on you instead. "Maybe it's better to stick with what we have. I mean if we have more buildings, we need to invest in those buildings. We could lose a lot."

"I think it's a great idea to invest in a building here. It wouldn't hurt to try, right? It could be extremely good for the company." You blurt out, Porco's eyes widening.

All eyes are on you.

"And you are?" The man at the front of the table asks, bringing his elbows up onto the table.

You swallow hard and your lips part, trying to speak up, thankfully, Porco beats you to it. "That's my partner."

The man doesn't even look at Porco, his eyes stay fixed on you. "Are you new to the company?"

"Yes sir, I just started a bit ago." You respond.

He nods. "I'm Nate Vale." Suddenly, he turns to look at Porco who seems irritated. "Would you be willing to give her up?"

"No sir, she is very important to me." Is Porco's answer, and you hear the sternness in his voice.

Nate smiles wide. "Would you be interested in moving up?"

You glance over at Porco and Nate shakes his head. "Darling, don't look at him. Look at me." He says.

And you obey, looking at him. You're speechless. You'd love to move up in the company, but you don't want to abandon Porco. But this is such a big opportunity.

"Don't worry. Things can be discussed at a later time. Meeting dismissed."

Porco is the first one to stand from the table, waiting for you to stand before he grabs your hand and drags you out of the office room.

Your eyes furrow with confusion and you yank your hand away from him, and then he stops and looks at you. "What the fuck, Porco?"

"I'm sorry, okay? I just want to leave." Porco says, trying to defend himself but you know better.

A scoff falls from your lips and you brush past him, heading toward the elevator that is down the hall.

Porco shakes his head and follows after you, standing beside you as you press the button to go down to the 1st floor. "I shouldn't have done that."

You glance over at him but don't say anything. It's not even worth it.


OUR JOURNEY | EREN JAEGERWhere stories live. Discover now