Chapter Five

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This chapter has to deal with mental abuse, and rape.

She snapped back to the present and demanded. "How in the hell did you find me?"

"Phone book," Dan looked from her to the man who made himself known. "So, he is the one who."

She looked at Steve, went to his side, and took his hand. "Yes, we are going to be married," she lied hoping Steve would help her with the only thing that popped into her head.

"Is that so?" Dan asked with a sneer. "Why does he look so surprised?"

Steve smiled. "I asked her before you rudely interred our home, without waiting for someone to answer the door," he told him, then demanded. "Who the hell are you?"

Dan glared at him. "She was supposed to be my wife, but she ran off after causing this," he reached up to his swollen cheek. He could not believe his luck, at finding her and he would be damned if he were going to let this pansy have her. What did this man think was going to happen? Did he think I would put my tail between my legs and walk away? He thought.

Carmella gripped Steve's hand so tight, that her hand was going numb. "Why don't you tell my fiancé, the truth, and let him know what all of you have planned? Three in a half months ago my family hired you to rape me," she spoke of the night as if it happened to someone else.

"Come on sweetie," the man reached for her, and she jumped back.

"Get out!" Steve demanded. "Or I will throw you out!" Steve could not believe how angry he was, even if he did not have the right to the female standing next to him, he was damned if he would let the guy hurt her.

Dan looked at both. "This isn't over, and you will both regret this," then he left slamming the door behind him rattling the windows.

Steve went to the door, and looked to make sure he was gone, and then he turned and asked. "Is it true?"

She looked at him as she sank to the sofa, her face was white. She could not believe this could happen on the day she was happy. If your day is calm without a flaw, expect lighting and thunder to bring you down a peg or two. Her grandmothers words came back to her from the past.

She looked at her hands. "You mean us getting married? No," she whispered; even though the sound of being his wife made her excited, she could not and would not let her family hurt him.

Steve went to the kitchen, and got her a glass of orange juice, and handed it to her. "I'm talking about the other part, about him."

She looked at him; she could not lie about what he had heard. She could not repeat it, so she nodded her head, as she drank deeply.

He took the glass from her and sat down beside her and pulled her onto his lap. Steve could not believe how good it was to hold a woman in his arms again, even though he knew she should not sit there, but he could not help feeling her pain.

"Honey, why dont you talk about it, you might feel better," when she went to move, he pulled her tighter to him. "Listen if you dont it will give them more power over you."

Carmella knew he was right; she did not know how to begin to tell him. When she smiled, he saw the pain was still in her eyes. "First, tell me why you are here?"

He smiled. "Okay, I see you dont trust me enough yet with your past, so I will tell you." He pushed her from his lap and pulled her closer by his side. "I came to see the house."

"That's all?" She asked disappointed, but she was happy he was there. She also hoped he was not going to leave after he got what he came for.

Her eyes kept going to the window, and she hated to be scared and knew the past was not her fault, but she could not help blaming herself for not leaving her parents' house sooner.

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