Chapter Fifteen

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Carmella could not believe it, first she found a man of her dreams, and then Tierra came into her life, and within forty-eight hours Tierra went from being her friend to a daughter.

She could not help but wondered if Steve would leave her to. That is what happens when you put your whole heart into a person, she told herself.

Steve knew she went into the office to be alone, and he could not help going after her knowing how she came loved Tierra, he knew her heart was breaking.

When he entered the office, she was standing by the window looking out. He looked around, and it was like his mind went back in time, when his dad had the office just like this, and when his dad got sick, he used the office to study.

"It's not fair," she did not look at him. "It's not fair at all."

He walked up to her, and wrapped his arms around her waist, when he felt her stiffen, he said. "Honey, life is not fair, I felt like this when my father passed away. I did not know how to save him, and then I sold this house hoping it would ease my pain, when it didn't," he signed. "All my life I wanted to help people, and my x-wife couldn't or wouldn't understand what I was going through, and she bailed on me. She told me I was being pigheaded, and I loved my work and my father more than her. She got tired of feeling like a competition between her and my father," he kissed her hair. "Thanks to her, I have found you."

Carmella turned around in his arms, she did not care if he saw her tears. "All my life I wanted and needed to be loved, my family couldn't do it, and they said it would alter their feelings for each other," she shook her head, to try and forget their expressions. "I never believed them, and when Tierra came along, I was whole, I had you and her. The two of you became my family, even though I wished she were my daughter it never changed my feelings for you or her."

Steve knew what he heard, but he could not believe what he was hearing. He loved her so much, and it sounded like she was also telling him goodbye. "What do you mean had?" He asked her, hoping he was wrong.

Carmella pulled out of his arms. "We both know you stayed here because of my family and out of duty for Tierra, you are a doctor. Not once did you stay because of me," she told him.

He started to laugh. "Your silly woman," when she opened her mouth, he kissed her.

She intended to push him away; instead, her arms went around his neck as he pulled her closer. His tongue slid into her mouth and started a dance with hers, when he felt her slowly giving in, he pulled away, and he laid his forehead against hers. He took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself and spoke. "When Dan tried to attack you on the landing, I wanted to rip him apart. I knew if I had touched him, I would have killed the son of the bitch!" He looked into her eyes. "Yes, I wanted to protect you, only because I love you too much to see you hurt."

"You told me that you swore off love. How was I supposed to know how you truly felt," she demanded? "When I was behind the desk pouring my heart out."

"Oh yes, I remember," he interrupted. "You threw my love back into my face," he smiled.

She did not know if she could believe him. "It was because I told you how I felt, and you were being nice, so I gave you a way out."

Steve did not know what was happening here. He told her how he felt and still she did not believe him. She said something that he did not catch and asked. "What did you say?"

"I said, it's a matter of time till you get bored with me, and leave." She pulled away and went to the chair near the window and sat down on it hard.

Steve watched every move she made, he hoped he could change her mind about him, and spoke. "Stay here, I will be right back," all she did was nod her head without looking at him.

Steve left the office, and he noticed the house was quiet. There was a note on the stand from Tierra, he picked it up, unfolded the paper, and read it.

Mom and Dad,

I am up in my bedroom taking a nap please take care of each other, and I will see you at dinner.

Love, always your daughter.

Ray spoke from the sofa. "Don't worry, Tierra is where she says," he told his son. "Since you're going to propose to Carmella, I would love to give her away to you."

His mother spoke up from beside him. "So, would I," she told him. "I wish, I could stay and talk to both of you, but I have to leave, but I will be back when my parents show up to help you reveal the truth, and I will also be at the wedding," she cried. "Son, please listen. Do not ask your dad anything or question him, I didn't tell him about my family," as she started to fade, she added. "Carmella loves you, believe in your faith and love, I will see you all soon," then she was gone.

Steve's face lit up, then his smile faded away. "How can you be there so no one will notice?"

Ray walked over to him. "The only ones who will be able to see us are the three of you, and also hear us, no one else will even notice."

"Thanks dad, we will love it."

Ray smiled. "Good, now go and get the ring," he watched his son go, and realized for the first time how everything was going to change after the wedding. He got comfortable around Carmella and Steve that he forgot he was truly there, now that Steve has his faith and love back he has to leave, and it felt like he was dying all over again. He remembered the letter his wife told him about and went to the basement where he no one could interrupted him while he reads it.

My dearest husband,

When you get home, I will be gone. I'm sorry for leaving this way. Please take care of our little Steve for me, I will miss you both.

Honey, the reason I'm writing this now is because I do not have time, I was going to surprise you with another child, but unfortunately the doctors told me when it was too late to stop my family from what they had planned for us.

Please believe me when I say I love you and our son, I'm sorry our little girl is gone but she is still inside of me, when the time comes the truth will come out.

I love you all. Your wife and Steves mother, Holly.

Ray cried, he could picture her face as she cradled her belly like she cradled Steve and talked to him. He did not understand what it meant, the baby was still inside her, and he hoped he was wrong; only time will tell.

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