chapter 3: I'm the villainess!?

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I'm the villainess now!?!?!?

NO, no ,no ,no. This can't be real!! That can't be real!!Yes!! This is just all a dream!! " Ara.. Looks like little Navia hasn't settled down. Perhaps she's hungry..? (This isn't a dream is it!?!? I'm really the villainess aren't I!?!?) Maybe she's just tried from the large trip. She probably hasn't settled down yet. Maybe....(No, it's not like that!!) The let's take her up to her room. Okay darling~."

The beautiful couple head up the longer case of stairs, into a hallway of nicely-made door.  After waiting for a little bit the reached a door and opened it with ease. Revealing a luxurious  baby room in gold and white. It had golden wall with white, a little white chandelier and a cute gold black crib. They walked slowly toward the crib and gently pick her down. " Here, are you comfortable now. Uwah.....(forgot I can't talk yet...) Aww.. Then I guess that means your comfy then...? Aren't you~~~." She cooing to Navia with a happy expression on her lovely face. The man just stood back as this happened, he had a blank expression on the other hand. "Your so cute~~~!!! Yes you are, yes you are......." They stayed in the room for around 20 more minutes. " Master, madam. Hmm? ( A good looking middle aged man with platinum blonde hair and dark orange eyes came in, in a butler-type suit) Ahhh...Austin!! Excuse me for interrupting your time but there is a matter that should be dealt with quickly. About what...? There was another maid...What!?( The blonde haired man got up quickly, following the butler) Ah, wait honey. (The black haired lady followed right after her husband, before she shut the door) Ah! Navia! Mommy and daddy have to done something really quick, okay. Be a girl a good girl in the meantime, okay baby girl. H-huwahh...Atadadadadad.....Hm...That's a good girl. I got to go now, baby girl~~!! Bye!! (she waves her hands in the air and shut the door. Leaving her there all alone).....Awuh..( I guess I have the room to myself now?? What's with that earlier?? The butler dude said something about some a maid. It something happen to the maid's area...?......Argh! There no use in thinking in something I can't do anything in. I don't even know what happening...?)"

She laid in silence as she thinks to herself, "(But still....I'm the villainess..? I'm Navia....? I just can't make sense of things anymore...I know that this is real already...But still, it's crazy! I became the infamous 'villainous' daughter of the story. It it's unreal but I have no choice to accept it. All I can do is avoid the ending!! Good thing I almost know everything there is to the game/novel, I know most of the events. So I can avoid of being labeled a 'villainess'...If I recall, Navia is the adopted daughter of Archduke Paris and Archduchess Amelia.....Who later dies when navia was a baby. So....She's like me, huh..?)" When she realizes the truth Navia and the archduchess, she feels a wave of sorrow. Due to the fact that Navia was similar to her,no. .....She was her. They were exactly the same, even though she didn't recall everything, she knew they were the same. Deep down in her heart she felt like that. She thought that for a straight 20 minutes, lost in her own ideas, ignoring time itself. "*boom* Uwah!?!!" The door swung open, revealing 3 adorable, beautiful, charming boys.

The one in the middle looks like the one she saw earlier, honey-golden blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. The one of the left had pitch-black hair and the same crystal blue eyes as the boy in the middle. Finally, the one on the right had the same pitch-black hair as the boy in the middle boy but had rose-red eyes. They all look like brothers being the blonde one the oldest and the red-eyed one the youngest. They are beautiful and loveable, in the future they will be not a-doubt, handsome, attractive, striking young man who would strike the heart of many ladies(and possible men too)." Uwahh....( Wow. And I thought that Amelia and paris were good-looking but these children are too precious and cute!! Wait a minute.....Those children are the 3 children of Archduchess Amelia and Archduke Paris children!!! Liam, Keith and Ash!! Wow, they look just like their parents...)

"So is she the one the servants were talking about..( The 3 boys walk up the the cardle, hovering over the small strange-looking baby) Awwwwww!! She so cute!! ( the red eyed boy, ash said as he reaches her hand out and scopes on the little baby in his arms) Uwah!?!  Hey ash!!That's not fair, I want to hold her too! But brother.....(He puts on a sulking face. She stared at the little boy and reached out to him with her chubby, small hands)Ah! Look!! ( His sulked face immediately was replaced with a joyous one) Her hand is so little!! So cute~~! No fair, I wanna hold her too..." The little bricking of the brothers continued for a few minutes. "hah...But still she's cute. I know right!! Were going to love her and spoil her so much!! You got that, right.(what the.....I thought they hated Navia. I remember in a scene that they slapped and kicked her in the stomach hard!! They even cut her with a big sword!! On the chest!! And they didn't even apologized and said, " tch I meant to stab you in the chest. You're luck that you ended up with such a lax injure." And the one who did that is ash!!)

" Ara, what are you boys doing here. Ah. Mom!!( The 3 boy put there attention on there mom) Oya oya.....It's seem like you getting along with little sister. Yes, we are! Good. (She walked up the the children and bended down to their level) Although she unrelated to you guy, you must treat her like your real sister. Okay? Okay!! Eheheh~. What sweet children you are....( They 4 of them look like a real happy family.....Too bad The archduchess dies in a while......Wait a second......Didn't their 'misery' and navia becoming the villainess start with......Amelia death ???)"

Reincarnated as the abused and unloved adopted daughter of the archdukeWhere stories live. Discover now