Chapter 13: I'm 5 months and I can talk!!

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"tcwh! (I almost had them.......)"

Eris: better luck next time master

Nivia: Geh! It's you......

 Eris: What do you mean, " It's you?

Nivia: You came at the wrong time!!! Right now....

Eris: Your suspect got away got away?

Nivia: Well, yeah!! How I'm going to find them now~~~...........

Eris: Why not just wait until they strike next??

NIvia: I don't know when that'll be though. It's better not to take any risk....Especially with this body of mine.........

Eris: You can track them down, you know.

Nivia: Really!?!? How!?!

Eris: On master's current level, you'll need a 'piece' on the person you wish to track. When you raise your level, you won't need a 'piece' anymore. You just have to envision who you wish to track.

Nivia:................. That's great, except, I don't HAVE ANYTHING!!!!

Eris Unfortunately, that's master's problem.

Nivia: Gerrrr!!! You cheeky system!!

Eris: I don't know what master's talking about~~~~.....

Nivia:.....Are you sure you don't have emotions

Eris: No, not yet master

Nivia: Well get them soon!!! And..........What's with all the black spot of those maids??

Eris: It's likely that it spread.

Nivia: Spread?

Eris: Yes. Sometimes mana is left unchecked, it can spread to people. For dark magic, if the user isn't careful it can spread, rub off other people. Depending on black magic there is on a person, it can cause a bad day for them or death. If the user is skilled enough, then they won't have to worry about this problems though....

Nivia: So that means they were in danger??

Eris: Not really. With the amount of each of them, it wouldn't do much damage. Just a a bad day or make them feel a little sick.

Nivia: I see......So, were dealing with a unexperienced black magic user....I don't know if I can take them with this baby body of mine........

Eris: You don't need to confront them physically.

Nivia: Really?

Eris: Yes, you just need to find their mana core, inject a little light magic and destroy their core.

Nivia:...............................Didn't you say that usually one person has one core and if you destroy it, they'll died. If I do that, wouldn't she die?

Eris: Indeed. they'll cease to exist.

Nivia: So...............I'll end up killing them!?!??!

Eris: Correct

Nivia: I-I've never killed a person. Not in this life or my last. S-so how.....?

Eris: Well, there are a few options for you, master, but that way is the most efficient and quickest way.

Nivia:........Your right. I need to do anything to survive in this world. I'll keep it in mind.......

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