Chapter 15: I'm 7 months old

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"Say awwww, Nivia" Amelia cooed. I'm not a child. Well, now I am a baby, but still!" Awww" I still open my mouth to feed on the sweet, sweet pudding. Finally!! After 6 months of breast, I'm getting real food!! Hurahh!!

"Mistress." A cold-tone voice rings. That was Mina, Amelia's closest maid. She had shoulder-length dark brown hair and honey brown eyes. She wore a black button-up dress, the typical uniform. For some reason, she looks similar to the woman in my dreams. " His highness wishes to see you." She said quietly. Mom looks a little worried."Oh okay, then.....I'm taking Nivia with me. 

As you wish Madam." She opens the door. Mom carries me out with a worried smile. I can't blame her. Ever since, 2 weeks ago, Paris started to avoid her, rumors say that his hanging out with a maid. Amelia must feel so confused right now. Just after the epidemic ended too...

Just as we were nearing the office, something came into the room. What was that..? No- Better yet, who was that? "I'm coming in, Paris!" Amelia's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. But, I had a bad feeling about this. As soon, as the door opened, a scene was in front of us. It was Paris kissing a dark-green haired woman. The same woman I suspect since 2 months ago. It was silent, well, until they turned to us. The maid had a victorious expression on her face, while Paris had a shocked one.


 "Amelia?" Both said at the same time. Mom stayed quiet, she puts me on the couch and walks up to Paris. She did something I could never imagine. 


She slaps him, hard. He stumbles a little, staring at her in shock. " I thought you were acting strange. I knew something was going on."

"Amelia, I- Shut up!" She continues. "For the past 2 weeks, you haven't come to the room or seen me at all! I tried to convince myself that you were work on the remains of the epidemic! But, no!! The rumors are true!! You are cheating on me!!!!!!" She roars at him. Paris tries to defend himself, but she wasn't having it.

The dark-green haired woman seems very pleased about this. Not for long. I create little red string on mana and launched it to her. She gets covered in invisible red string. This is a new spell I learned, "Bind". Looks like she wants to do something, but I am not going to let her. A snake-like chain forms, shooting out of my palm. No one notices it safely entering her chest. I can see through the chains. A black, gooey ball lays there. Wrapping the chain around it, I pull as hard as can.

"GAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" She screams, coughing up a black, gooey substance. That took a lot out of me,  I can feel sweat-droplets on my head. But, that sure caught their attention. Amelia and Paris were no longer arguing anymore, as they're watching the maid with confused eyes. She staggers, clutching her stomach in pain. But, I'm not letting her go that easily. Pouring more mana into the thread, pulling it tighter around her mana core.. Leading more black goo to spill out of her, it was a horrific scene. Amelia and Paris are complete absorbed by the scene in front of them. Now it should be over.....

Little did she know.............It wasn't

"Goooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!!" The maid roars in madness. She isn't dead yet!? What's happening now?

"Damnit, Damnit. Damn it! Damn it!!!!!!!" She stomps at each word she says." Why!? Why!? I was so close! I was so close to becoming the Archduchess!! FUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKK"She roars in pain as she throws her little tantrum. All of a sudden, she stops her howling. "I....I'm not going to make it" She grits her teeth in pain, her mana flares up in attempt to do something. "But.........I'll drag you down with me Amelia!!!"


What!? What with this mana. Hey Eris! What's going on!?!

Eris: Welll, it most likely-

"Kyahahahhahahaha! Die! Die" She laughs as a sinister-black aura erupts from her, it was extremely powerful. More powerful than our little protagonist could do. Currently, she was no match for the green-haired wicked-woman. Without warning, it shot it at Amelia before a white light pierced her chest, ending her life.


Not even a minute after, Amelia throws up strange black 'blood', strange black tattoo's appear on her too.


She collapses to the floor with a heavy sound, waking up Paris from his daze. He rushes to his beloved, scooping her in his arms. "Amelia!" He cries with distress. Light erupts from his hand as he put's it to her chest. It seems like it helped, as her completion looked better and her black eased up. But, it wasn't over yet." Wait! This is...." He mutter's under his breathe, seeming realizing what happened." FUCK!!!!" He curses in frustration; he picks up Amelia and rushes out of the room, leaving our poor little protagonist behind.

.......What the f*ck just happened...Eris

Eris: Yes master?

Nivia: Explain please.

Eris: Well, it looks like Amelia has been crused-

Nivia: Wait, What!?! Cursed!? With what!? And how!?

Eris: As I was saying, Amelia is curse with a duos-mortis. A spell that places a powerful curse with their own death. It's extremely difficult to remove as it uses one life to activate it. Only those bestowed with extraordinary divine power possess the ability to dispel it. Such as a cardinal or bishop. 

Nivia: I see. How did that b!tch do that!?

Eris: It's likely that maid was a devout follower of the malevolent deity. Also, it seems that, that woman wasn't human, look.

Nivia's gazes upon the lifeless maid, and an expression of profound shock overtakes her. Her body was dark! It as if, it was thrown into a pit of fire, it was completely charred!!

Eris: That happens when a dark-witch killed by light-magic, as it is it's opposing element. As a last resort, she cursed Amelia with duos-mortis. If someone form the chruch doesn't come, she will most likely die.

Nivia: What!?! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! She can't die! she can't! I just-!

'I just experienced have mother love feels.' She what she want to say.

Eris: Let's no fret, Paris should be getting help.

Nivia: Okay I'll wait........

For the thrid time in her life, she prayed. First time is when she prayed for her mother's revival. The second is when she wanted saved from clutches of abuse. And this time, for Amelia, her mother, to survive...

She earnestly prayed


HI everybody! It's me, Author-sama! Well, it been a long time~ I'm really, really, reallllllllyyyyy~ sorry for taking so long. I'm now, official back.

And also, sorry to spring this up, but I created another book. 

It's called, "Aisha: the pirate princess". The first chapter is already out!!

And I'm currently in progress of another. The first chapter will be out by the end of the week.

But! Don't worry, I won't neglect my other books

Anyway~ That's all I want to say. Author-sama out!

Reincarnated as the abused and unloved adopted daughter of the archdukeWhere stories live. Discover now