Chapter 14: did you just say 'mama'?

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"......Did you just say 'mama'???? Yeswh??..........." They stared at each other once again

"H-honnneeyyy!!!" She yelled as she started to run out of the room, into the hallways. All they maids stared at their madam but kept their mouth's shut. She continued to franticly run down the hallway until she reached a big drown and gold door. She brushed through the door, into the big office." Parrriiiisssss!!!!!" She shouts

" GAh! Amelia! What are you doing here?? *huff huff huff huff huff* N-Nivia, s-she, She just said her first word!!!!.....

..............Huhhhuhh?!?!?!?! S-she-she what!?!?!?

She just said 'mama'!!! She spoke!! R-really!?" He quickly got up and went to the duo. He eyed the little baby with expectancy. The baby, now recover from the bumpy ride she just had look confused at the man. "Can you 'papa'?? (Huh?) Uwah??(W-what-what is this man saying!? I just said 'mama' on accident....Stop looking at me with such eyes! urgghh!!!)' His sky-blue eyes were sparkling, waiting for something. He looked like a big golden puppy waiting for a treat. After a few minutes of staring at the baby , the baby open her mouth. "pa-pa!.......

Ekkkkk!!! Did you hear that dear? She just call me 'papa'!!! haha.. yes, yes honey. But....." She looks him straight in the eye. " She said 'mama' first!!" She said victoriously, she smirked at her husband. Meanwhile he had a defeated expression. His eyes were droopy and his was down, he looked like a sad puppy.

*Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump*

A series of footstep could be heard out of the room. The door suddenly burst open, letting three little rascals in. "Mother!!: They all shouted in unison. " Are you okay? The maids told us that you ran all the way to father's office? Why did you do that? Mother Mother!" They bombarded her with loads of questions." Kids.." Paris said warningly. They all shut up but still looked at Amelia worriedly. " You know what?? Your sister said her first words! H-huuuuh!!??!?!' Thay all shouted in shock. "B-but how mother? She only 5 months??? hmhmhmmmm....Well, your sister is a genius!! Look, baby say mama." She cooed. All of the people in the room looked at her with puppy eyes." (T-these expectations.....) Mama! Papa!!.........*Gasp Gasp*' The kids eyes widen at Nivia.

They immediately got in her cubby face and started to bombarded her too." Say Liam next. No, Keith!! Nooo, baby sister, say big brother Ash!! Sister, sister!!" With pleading eyes to say one of their names first. " B-bwothers!!.............Did she just say 'brothers'!?!? She is a genius!!!" That all shouted happily , their eyes sparkled like gems. They cheered for the little baby, hugging and kissing her. They were sincerely happy about her speaking. Nothing seemed like it can break their moment.......Or so thought.

*Bam*! The door suddenly open, a worried bulter comes out." Y-your Grace!!! *Huff huff huff huff* What!? How dare you come in here without- i'm sorry your grace, but this is really important news!!!" He shouted. "......What? What is this important news your talking about? The-The-Her majesty, The Empress  is pregnant!!!!" He shouted once again. The room went silent." W-WWWHHHAAATTTTTT!?!?!? The Empress is pregnant!?!?" He shouted while looking at the man absurdly. " I-it's true . The emperor has summoned everyone to the royal palace. You should get a move on as well your excellency." He said as he bowed."......*Sigh* Your right. I'm sorry Amelia, kids. I need to go. Knowing that maliciously emperor, he probably coax us into giving presents to the empress and praise. It'll probably be long. Oh okay." Amelia said with a said face." Don't worry my love, I'll be back soon." He kisses her on that forehead. Does the same to the rest of the children." I'm off! Have a safe trip honey. *Chuckle* I will love." And with that, he leaves the room. While Nivia was confused about everything. "(What?! What!? WWHHHHAAAAATTTTTTT!???!?!?!?! T-the Empress is pregnant!?!??!?! How!?!? The only child she had was Theodore, the male lead!!! So how!?!?! How could she be pregnant!?!?What is  happening!??!??!?! The plot is deviating!! I-is it......because of me............................

No, I'm not the cause!!! I just healed Amelia, nothing more or less. I'm surviving in my own way. And no one can stop me!!!!.......But if the empress is pregnant......then what will happen to her?.. She.....Huh? Who is she? Who am I thinking about) *Shgggg*" A quick image flashes in her mind. A forest, a dark forest with a girl standing there. Her ebony black hair fluttered in the wind, her alluring golden eyes stared at Nivia, as if she stared into the depths on her soul. 

*Ba-thump Ba-thump Ba-thump Ba-thump Ba-thump Ba-thump*

Her heart was beating so fast that anyone could hear it. "Your.....Argh!!" A massive headache invades her. She fainted, unable to handle the pressure. "oh. Ara Ara, she fell asleep. Let's take her back to her room." Amelia walked out of the room followed by her children. They arrived at her room and put her in her cradle. The brother look at the little sister sleeping." She looks so cute when she sleeping. I know right. Don't state the obvious." The brother bickered with each others. " Fufufufufuf..." Amelia laugh at her sons. " It's good that your getting along with your sister but don't argue too much. Yes mother!" They all said in unison.

*Clank Clank* The sound of heels could be heard entering to the room." Your highness, it's time." A maid says while bowing." .....Alright. Let's go kids. Yes!" They all said." But( She walks towards the maid) You. Do you about the Empress. Y-yes your highness... I have heard about it from the servant. Really? Then, do you know how longer she's being pregnant for? She- Her Majesty the Empress has been pregnant for five months. Five months.......?" She had a wondering expression.

' Five months ago. That's when Nivia came. Does she....?No. neverminded. How could she. She's just a baby. It's just pure luck.' She though in her mind. Not knowing.............

That the feeling out doubt was correct and.............

It is her 'fault'!!

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