chapter 2: Welcome to another world, me I guess....??

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How, how, how did this happen?!?! I was on earth a minute ago!!! Did that woman do something to me. Was that woman a god!?!? Then why did she do this!?! Have i really reincarnated , those things on happens in novel, manga and anime. This can't be real, yeah this is a dream. A dream, I must be in a coma thanks to that truck. Let's calm down and think rationally, there's no way that would happen.  Let try to breathe to see if I can't wake up out of this coma. *inhales* She takes a deep breathe to see if she could wake up. *sting* There was a sharp pain in her chest all of a sudden. It hurt really bad, tears were welding up in her eyes.

 "wahhhhhhhhhhhh.. uwaahhhhhhhh..uwwhhhhhhaaaa!!!.' She cried out loud instantly which sounded like a baby's cry, after a few minutes she finally stopped crying. ' huoahh...' What was that? Pain? But how, did something happen to me in the real world? Wait a minute....." huuawahh.." She fumbles and waves her cubby and small hands. They felt real she was confused. 'ahhh...' Why does it feel so real? like my real hands, can move my body in the real world too. I'll try talking, to see if anyone could hear me!!!!!

 " wahhhhhh!!!1 Goooooaaawwwhhhhh!! Ababuabuabuabuuabuwaooohhhhhhhh!!!!" She kept on trying to speak, to ask for help but all that came out were incomprehensive baby babbles. She couldn't speak properly for some reason and she was trying move her body around. She squirmed, flapping her limbs around, but nothing worked , she couldn't move her body. She tried to move her head, but that didn't worked, she felt it was too heavy and couldn't move it either.

 All she could do was flapping her short, cubby arms a bit. She was screaming to the top of her little lungs. No one came and she was still shouting and flapping. (A little while later) " Hu hu hua huuuuuaaaaaaa..." She was out if breathe and energy, she's exhausted. 'guaa woooohhh." Why do I have so tired, no one came? *huff huff* My throat hurt a little, my ear are ringing a bit having to listen to my own voice and my arms are heavy, I can barely move. Why?? This should happen if I'm coma. Could it be that.........I really reincarnated!?!?!?!

A little while later

"auwhu auwho abbuaha." Yep. I definitely reincarnated, I been here for god-knows how long. I can't believe it. Then, was that woman really a god-no goddess?? If so, why did she reincarnate me? Is it because I died a 'unfair death', like anime where the protagonist dies of that? But, why did she reincarnate me here??  *Yawn* She looks around again, she was still in the alley. It looked like it had came out of a picture with it's color to it feel.

 It was like she really was in a another world. She had came to an conclusion, an acceptance that she died and reincarnated. She no longer screamed, squirmed or made a fuss, she made a peaceful stance."woho" Where am I though, i know i'm in another word but where? This doesn't seem like a dangerous area but it does look deserted. Where did she sent me here, why not reincarnated me as child or a noble like in anime and manga?? Am I an orphan? *yawn* I've been thinking to much, now I'm sleepy. I'm so tired.........I think I'll take a little nap. "huwahhhhhhhh....." With that she falls deep sleep.

A few hours later

"mhh mmhhhmehwaa" She wakes up from her nap, she looks at the sky and barley sees no changes. She stretches her little cubby, hand lays them back on something soft. "howah??" What's that, it feels soft, like a blanket and bed. What am I laying on? "wahh.." She looks down and see a baby blanket tucked in something and edges of something like a basket. she shook her legs a little and found out that it was indeed a blanket, it was firmly tucked in too. She could barely move her legs. 

She felt relaxed thank to the nap she had, she took a deep breathe but she felt a sharp pain similar to before. " Uhho....... UUuuuuuwwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" surprised by the sudden pain, she cries out loud and doesn't stop for a few minutes. " huah huah hua hua huaaahhh.......poh........" Danm this baby body!! I can'e even control it well! Ughhh!!! wish I can grow up fast!!!  F#ck you trunk-sammmmaaaaaa!!!!!"wuh wuh wooohhh.........abu abu abubuubu ago agoo ago wuoh woh gai gia giiiooohhhhhaahh....." Am I rapping!?!?!?!?!.........No gonna lie but this is kind of fun. I gonna continue to do this until something happens. " abububububub.... ugnhu kyaaaaaa manuhuuhuh" She was in her own little world, babbling unclear. ' abu abu.....

Reincarnated as the abused and unloved adopted daughter of the archdukeWhere stories live. Discover now