chapter 4: Amelia

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^(What Amelia looks above)^

"(Archduchess Amelia.........It all started with Amelia death. Everything changed when she died. The Archduke, her children and most importantly of all......her daughter, Navia)......Ara....What's wrong Navia~~. Are you hungry perhaps? (Eh!? No, no, no, no!! I'm not hungry, lady!) *Growl* ( despite her opposition, her cubby, baby body betrayed her) ehehehe~~> I guess I'll take this as a yes. (She starts to undress dress the top part of her dress, revealing her large, well-shaped breast.) Say Ahhh~~Mphm!(She pushes her breast towards Naiva. Navia refused at first but she couldn't fight her new body's instinct. She opens her mouth and sucks Amelia boobs earnestly)  Ahaha! You eat so well~. Were you really that hungry~~? (Gahh!!!! I am 19-year-old. A 19-year-old who's almost 20!! Yet I'm sucking on a  another breast. Gaahhhhhh!!! My pride as a grown woman!!) Gpah! Hey that tickles! Aha!! ( Urrggghhhh!! So embarrassing!!......) Your sure eating a lot." She said with a light chuckle."(.......Why is this strangely feel good....? Ahhh! I don't know!! Nothing makes sense anymore!!)'=" While the others were looking at her contently, she was having a mental breakdown)

A few minutes later

"You were very hungry, huh~ " She drunk from both of Amelia's breast. "gwooohhhhh (It's over...It's over...It's finally over...) Your so cute~~. (She buttons up her top and put Navia on her shoulder, patting her back gently)*Brrruuuuupppp**Sniff* Smell like milk and sweets. Yeah, mom. " The boys agree with their mother as they sniff the air. While Navia was sulking inside. She hands Navia to the tallest in the bunch, Liam. He has a stiff expression, he was panicking and happy at the same time inside. Half on him told him to shower her with kiss, hug her very tightly and swing her in the air while the other half wanted to put her down, afraid of dropping the little thing. He just stood there for a few minutes until she reached out her hands out to him again. "Ababuuuu......abububbu..hehe..yahyahyah...Ah!!" She babbles incomprehensibly as she waves her short, cubby arms. This made his pretty sky-blue eyes light up in excitement. "As expected, my sister is the cutest. Hmhp! Your talking the obvious!! And.........That she loves her eldest brother the most!!!" He said with a sly smirk. "Ahh! Hey, that's no fair brother!! She she loves all of us!! Yeah, but she loves me more! Nah-un! No she doesn't! " The three start to brick over this until when Navia began to babble nonstop, waving her hands in the air and wide smiling. ".........She's so cuteeeeeeee!!!!" They all said in unison as the focused their attention on her.

 They played with Naiva for hours and hours until nighttime. " *creeeaakkkk* This is where you were, madam. Ah, Oliver! Madam. I've come to pick you up. Oh? What time is it?? It's 8:22 p.m. Ara! It's already this late! Sorry Oliver~~! It's okay madam. And young masters, it time to prepare for bed. Ehhhhh~~......No way..." They all said with pouting face. " But it Oliver's right, it getting late. You three still have things to do in the afternoon and you sister needs to sleep now. So we need  to let her rest." After gently persuading the children, they reluctantly went back to their rooms after kiss Navia goodnight. " Goodnight, my sweet little daughter. (she walks out the room with the man and gentle closes the door. Naiva stares at the ceiling in daze) Aaaaooohhhh.....abuubu...(So that was Amelia.......She's a pretty and kind lady.... And such a kind lady dies in the future.......I'm bit sad.......Everything started with her, her death was the blackening of the villainess and heroine's family......According to the novel and the game, she dies when Navia was only 7 months old.........What should I do...? Should I Try to save her...)" She thought absent-minded.

"(But what can I do.....? I'm just a baby, a newborn one at that.......There nothing I can do about it......hahhhhhh, that makes sad.....)" She make a sad face as she thinks how helpless she is thinks about Amelia's future."(Arggghhh!! There's nothing to think about now!! Let's just go to sleep!!)" She thinks, she forcefully closes her strange eyes, trying to forget the future ahead. She soon drift off to sleep a few minutes later.

Reincarnated as the abused and unloved adopted daughter of the archdukeWhere stories live. Discover now