Part-38 Then So Shall It Be...

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"Hands in the air, now!" A girl called out to Monika. She gave loud commands to her comrades.

Monika raises her hands. Looking around, she counts at least twenty or so soldiers surrounding her. Tired but determined eyes focus on her. These ghosts are real, after all.

"Is that... Is that her?"

"That's gotta be her!"

A few voices speak aloud.

The one issuing the commands steps up to Monika and stares her down.

"So, it's you. We've finally caught the one and only Mad Monika." The leader spoke straight to her face.

Quickly glancing around, Monika sees the faces of the soldiers change from focused to wary.

Monika asks: "I know who you are."

She already knows who they belong to. Their uniforms of brown and green are are muddy and torn, but it's clear by the flags. The Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes are worn proudly by the wannabes.

"You're the so called Americans and British. You've finally caught up, huh? Monika notices their weapons.

A STEN, a BAR, and a Bren Gun. Didn't matter what weapons they had; they were all pointed at her.

"Yeah, and what are you? A Nazi wannabe, or a whore who slept her way to success?"

Excuse me?

"Yeah, you heard me. You went through all that dirt just to end up betraying it all. Why? Why, Monika?"

The enemy's words broke right through Monika's defence.

"How do you know?"

"It puzzles me why you decided against your pals. All that cash, the jewelry, the freedom to do whatever you wanted, and you chose this?"

"You don't have any idea what you're saying."

"Oh we know everything. You betrayed your team, but you spared Eckhart, why? Did you really believe in your morals? Or did he just give you a good dicking and you couldn't live without that?" She smirked.

"Stop it! How- you- You're spies, aren't you?" Monika is baffled and embarrassed.

"We are everywhere. We know everything. And we have you cornered. So you work with us now." She smiled, knowing what Monika did not.

Monika begins to think.

How did the enemy know?

"Lucy, show her." The commander summoned her subordinate.

A young soldier armed with a pair of binoculars and a camera appears from the crowd.

"Do I have to? It's gross." The subordinate complained.

"Show her, she'll know."

What is this?

"I'm sorry, for this but, look." The younger soldier handed Monika a few photographs and looked away in cringe.

That's me! And Eckhart?

It's a photograph of Monika and Eckhart having sex. It was shot through the windows of Eckhart's room. No wonder why it always felt like someone was watching.

"You little perverts!" Monika screamed.

These disgusting kids have really dug in deep and exposed every dirty little secret Monika had. It's not just her relationship with Eckhart, but everyone has been exposed. Eckhart and Eva mostly. But they have dirt on everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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