chapter 09: 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚

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They all safely reached kanyakul and gurukul

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They all safely reached kanyakul and gurukul.

They were welcomed by teachers and all. And they make freinds.

"Hello, can we be freinds?" A girl ask to bhargavi.

"Yes sure, what is your name?" She asked.

"Diya is my name." She said.

They both talked.

"Who is father?" Diya asked.

"I don't know." She said.

"Which type of girl are you bhargavi, you don't know your father? I think you are joking." Diya said.

"I'm not joking, I don't know how he looks like, I have not meet him." She said.

"Oh, you are fatherless?" She said.

Bhargavi is frustrated.

"Hey diyu, what are you doing with this fatherless girl?" A girl said.

"Are you both friends?" A girl said making weird faces.

"No, we are not friends." Diya said.

Bhargavi was schoked but she remained silent, because if she will speak so she will be angry.

At night.
Bhargavi is roaming. A girl was calling her.

"Hey, don't talk with her, she is fatherless." A girl said.

Bhargavi fists.

"Don't know which type of girl she is. Haha." A girl said.

Suddenly teacher comes. And the 2 girls tell what they were talking about bhargavi.

Teacher also start seeing bhargavi weirdly.
Next day.

When teacher was teaching, bhargavi knew the answer. But teacher being partial to her.

"Soon you will be sent to your kingdom." Teacher said.

"But I came here to be educated." She said with teary eyes.

"You are fatherless."

"So? Don't she have right to be educated?" A girl said and she was adhithya, daughter of karn.

"Why are you speaking in her favor? Quietly let what is happening! Don't need to be judgemental." Her freind said.

adhithya ignores her.

"Don't forget that she is kshatriy rajkumari." She said.

"You are also a daughter of a sutaputra." Her freind said.

"She is princess of anga, and give her respect." Bhargavi said making teacher quiet.

Bhargavi and adhitya are roommates.

"Thank you so much for supporting me." Bhargavi said.

Adhitya smiled and they both became besties.

"If anyone will bother you, so just tell me their name only." Sumitra said to adhithya.

All pandav putris are freind with adhithya.

"Yes sumitra didi, I will." She chuckled.

They do a group hug.

Teachers treated bhargavi partially.
But she was happy with her sister and adhithya.

"Only 1 years is left." Pragti shouted.

"What happen didi, I'm very sleepy." Printha said covering her face with blanket.

"After 1 year, we will go to dwarka back, and then soon I will meet my father arjun." Pragti shouted in happiness.

"Congrats didi." Bhargavi said and her voice has no happiness that she will meet her dad.

"Bhagu? Aren't you happy? You will meet your father!" Pragya said.

"Father..." she murmured.

"Yes pragti's father, my father, your father..." pragya was saying but bhargavi stopped her.

"He is not my father! Where was he when I needed him most? Wasn't I necessary for him? Don't he care about me? He hate me, and I hate him! I have been raised by my mom, where was he?" Bhargavi shouted in anger.

"Bhargavi, listen." Sumitra said.

"What is left for listening? I have been treated very badly, just because of him! Fatherless girl! Fatherless girl! My name is not bhargavi here, my name is fatherless girl here!" She shouted while crying badly.

Bhargavi left

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Bhargavi left.

"Bhargavi, listen..." Adhithya running behind her.

Bhargavi locked herself in room.


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