Old acquaintances

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Everything was covered in white, trees, leaves and the little resistent winter flowers. But the thing that mesmerized you the most were the little snowflakes that gently fell on top of his raven black hair, the wind softly ruffling through it. 

His blue eyes were as cold as ice, as he looked you in the eye. 

"So you do remember me?" he replied before turning around. He slowly started walking away just as if the conversation was ended. "Wait! ...wait." you shouted behind him, unable to move. Your voice was squeeking and to loud. Nevertheless he didn't hesitate, he continued walking towards the exit as you just stood there in disbelief. 

Your feet stuck to the ground as if they were frozen to the ground. And you couldn't stop his silhouette getting smaller and him leaving you behind. Once again. 

You could feel yourself tearing up. Why? Why now? Why him? And how ?

The ringing of your phone forced you out of your stiffend state. It was your neighbour, an old lady that sometimes took care of Black Jack. "Hello Mrs. Kim." you answered softly still in thought.

She said to immediatley come by her place when I'm back home since she wanted to give me something. First I hesitated but she sounded really excited so I agreed. 

As I left the graveyard his footsteps had already vanished as if he never was here. I chuckled a bit. He still looked the same, same face, same hair, same eyes. But no smile. 

A wave of nostalgia catched you since you rembered him now very clearly, how could you have even forgotten him. Maybe you've pushed the thought of him away, trying to move on. Well now you couldn't stop thinking about him and all the memories you shared, the laughter, the stories, everything. But if he knew from the start, why didn't he say anything? Countless questions filled your head. You didn't even noticed when you were standing next to your car. 

But then realisiation hit you. You probably wouldn't see him again. Even if you hadn't remembered him up until now, the thought disturbed you. You couldn't even really talk before he vanished. 

You tried to focus on getting home. The car ride flew by just as fast as your walk and after what felt like seconds you knocked on Mrs. Kims door. As if she waited for the sign the door quickly opened reaveling the round and gentle face of the old lady that had a sincere smile for you. 

"Finally, come on in." she said letting me enter after I left my shoes at her doormat. "I have to show you something I found." Excited she hurried to the living room her little legs moving as fast as they could. As you walked past the kitchen the smell of pie filled your nose. 

"Wow it smells amazing. Did you make your famous apple pie?" You chuckled as she gave you a proud grin as she nodded. "Yes, if you want I can give you a piece later." You thanked her gratiously as she rummaged through a box that was standing on her couch. Then as she finally found what she was looking for she let out a reliefed sigh. "There it is." she said proud as she held a what looked like a book in her hand. 

You both sat down on the couch after you moved the box and she opened the book. Having a closer look you realised it was a photo album. She flicked through a few pages till she found the desired page. "Here take a look."She pointed at a picture. 

You knew this picture. It showed you and your parents infront of this very building. Before you and Mrs. Kim lifed here and shared the two floors, your family owned the house and you lifed on both floors, while Mrs. Kim lifed next door. But then your parents passed away and Mrs. Kims husband also died last year. Now it was just the two of you and your uncle visiting sometimes. 

On the picture you were approximately nine years old your parents still alive. All of you smiling in the camera as you held up a sign saying "Home sweet home." It was the day you moved in and met Mrs. Nelson and her husband. You smiled as your eyes began to tear up a bit. 

"How sweet." Was the only thing you were able to say. Mrs. Kim nodded in agreement. "You were so little here." A bright smile lightened up your face and you smiled back. You went through multiple pages of the album and swelled in old memories. Then as she told you something and flicked over to the next picture something caught your eye. 

He was there. On a photo you both were there. Laying in the snow and laughing. Mrs. Kim saw your interested look and picked the photo out of the book. "Here have it. You seem to like it." Her eyes were friendly and light as she handed it to you. You thanked her and then looked at the time. "It's getting late, I probably should go uppstairs." You said yawning. 

"Well don't forget your pie." She said chuckling as you both went into the kitchen. She cut you a piece as you looked outside the window. It was already dark outside. The cloudy sky was in harmony with the white ground. 

She gave you the plate and after saying your goodbyes you were standing in the corridor. Taking the steps upside you hard some strange sounds. You turned back around to look at the entrance door and nearly fell down the stairs as you saw a shadow lurking infront of the door that had a little frosted glass square. Then you heard knocking. 

Who could that be at such an hour? You slowly walked towards the door. 

"Who is this?" You asked through the door. As you looked through the peep hole. You saw a lean figure standing tall infront and looking at the house frame. 

"Can you let me in it's cold outside." He said calmly tucking at his jacket. I don't hesitate a second and unlock the door. "Hi, come on in." I say the plate of pie still in my hand. He doesn't even look at me as he enters. "I'm sorry for bothering you at such an hour but my car broke down and this is the only place I knew." He said as if it was nothing. 

I closed the door and then turned around to look at him. 

"Well... I guess hi again then? You wanna stay here." My voice was a bit raspy since I was still kinda suprised. He inspected my face and then nodded. 

"If I'm not a burden to you."

"Surely not.  Come on." You led him up the stairs.


Aothors note:

Sorry for not updating. I literaly forgot about it T^T and now I don't know what I had planned to write, so it's gonna be alot of short and improvised chapters. Also sorry for spelling errors and gramatical errors. 

But please do enjoy and vote ! <3

Not Meant To Be || Aki Hayakawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now