Unexpected guest

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You opened the door to your flat and let him walk in before you, then you placed the pie in the refrigerator before walking back in the living room, where he stood and looked around with an interested face. "So you rebuild the house to two flats?" He asked as you left your jacket on a chair. "Yeah it was just to big for only one person." you explained and he nodded slowly. 

"So your car broke down?" You asked as you sat down on the chair while you gestured him to sit on the sofa. "Yes, I was on the way to leave and I think the engine is defect so now I have to wait till tomorrow to get a tow-car, since they don't answer the phone at this hour." 

"Shit that sounds horrible, I hope it's nothing to serious." You looked at him giving him a gracious smile. "Well I'm grateful that I could crash at your place. Thanks again." He nodded politely. "No problem. If there is anything else I can do for you just tell me."  You said "Also now we have a bit time to catch up." 

He didn't seem to like the idea that much but still mumbled agreement. He told me that he lived in a big city now and was working for a company. 

"Wow that sounds amazing!" You said envious, but he just shrugged with his shoulders. Then a long awkward silence followed. You started to fidget with your hands, moving the ring on your thumb constantly around your finger. You glanced at him but it didn't seem like was really in a talkative mood. 

"I... I'm gonna get ready for bed.  You wanna sleep in my room or on the sofa?" 

"You take the bed. I'm alright on the sofa." He said taking of his suit jacket and laying it on the couch table. You nodded and went in the bathroom. "Sure" you whispered to yourself. 

You couldn't say why but you were angry and sad. Maybe you imagined it to be different, weren't you two really close as kids? Was he not a cheerful and open person back in the day? Or was your memory playing tricks on you. 

Lost in thoughts you took a shower and then brushed your teeth. Then you put on a top and some comfortable shorts, while searching for clothes that could fit him. Finding a T-shirt and a soft blanket you went back to the living room. 

Your hair was still a bit wet and your face a bit flushed as you handed him the things. "Here. Make yourself comfortable. If you need anything I'm in my room right at the end of the hall and there on the left is the bathroom." You pointed at a door. He thanked you again and gave you a small smile. 

As you were about to leave him to himself he said: "If you want we can talk more about the whole thing tomorrow." He sounded kinda apologetic. A bit suprised you turned around. Your eyes meeting his, they were not as cold anymore, rather a bit gentle. "Sure." You said a bit hesistant. "Good night, Aki." Saying his name felt a bit weird. You never thought that you would say it ever again. Maybe it was the best to adress the elephant in the room. But that had to wait till tomorrow. 

As you sunk into your bed you thought about the crazy day you just had. It was just well different. You looked at the picture that you had placed previously on your desk. Maybe you both could be friends again just like in the past. 

With that thought you fell asleep. Black Jack sitting next to you. Your tired body fell in the depths of the comforting darkness. Unconscious fears rippling through your brain, picking out memories and playing with them in horrible ways. Your demons feeding these fears. Not being able to stop all the bad memories and thoughts flooding over yourself, you awoke out of a bad dream. Once again. This was getting a bit to regular. 

You looked at your watch. Three o'clock in the morning. Shit. But you knew you couldn't go back to sleep so you thought about getting a glas of water to drink. You looked at Black Jack, who was sleeping soundly in his little bed, his black silhoutte fading into the darkness. 

Quietly you left your room as you went to the kitchen you peaked in the living room only to see the most beautiful picture your eye had ever taken in.

The moonlight fell right through the little gap between the curtains and onto his rested face that partly was covered by his dark hair that was now floowing in all directions. His fair skin glowing in the contrast. His slender fingers were folded and partly stuck under the pillow. A shadow was casted by his long dark lashes onto his cheek.

It took you a second to tear loose from this mesmerizing image, since it felt oddly satisfying to watch him. Moving forward you entered the kitchen and grabbed a glas out of the cupboard. 

You hadn't turnt the lights on, since you didn't want to wake Aki, so it was still dark. A chilly feeling ran down your spine as if someone was lingering behind you. You immediately turned around and for a second you thought you had seen a shadow but there was nothing in sight. Weird, you thought to yourself. Again you turned around to fill your glas with water and as you hovered over the sink you felt that weird presence again. 

The hair on your neck stood up and your body couldn't help but feel alarmed. But as you looked around there was no one there. Also it was completely quiet. A little bit to quiet for your likes. 

You took a sip of water still scanning the room but there was nothing there. Maybe your were still a bit out of tune because of the nightmare. Yes that was probably the reason. Also if there was someone in here Aki would've also heared them entering. No intruder could be so silent. 

You quickly finished your glass of water. But just as you turned to the sink you felt something. 

Something was reaching out to you from behind you. You could feel it as clearly as if you just had seen their hand. As you turned around you saw it. It was horrible.

The glass fell to the ground the same second you screamed with all you had. Fragments and splinters of the glass scattered in all directions as your voice echoed through every room and your whole body.  Its bloody eyes staring right at you out of the dark.

Not Meant To Be || Aki Hayakawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now