Addictive Boy

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You sat down at the couch and grabbed Black Jack, who was grazing past your legs. The brush in your hand you carefully caressed him before you began to move the brush through his black fluffy hair.
Your thoughts wandered back to the moment that had just passed. You couldn't stop blushing and smiling to yourself. Black Jack purred as you scratched his tummy. 

After you finished, he looked up at you. "Good boy." You said as you patted his head. Then the black cat left and strutted in the kitchen. After that you heard the door of the bathroom opening and closing. 

Shit! You didn't know if you should quickly flee to your room, but before you could even end the thought, he was already entering the living room, still fixing his shirt with a hairbrush in his hand, while his pants were hanging loose at his hips. A towel was casually wrapped around his neck and his wet dark hair was falling into his face. This man was the prettiest alive and wasn't even aware of it. 

"Hey scoot over." He said with a sly smile, while he approached the sofa. You did as he told you and made space for him. "Your hair is still pretty wet." You said as you pointed at it. He sat down next to you and you could smell the scent of your body wash on him and a note of aftershave.

"I know, I hope you dont mind if I dry it here." He said as he removed the towel from his neck. "No, go ahead... I could help you..." You said hesistant. Avoiding to look into his eyes, eye contact made you really nervous.
He smiled and gave you the towel. "Sure. I would like that." He said and turned to the side, so that you faced his back. 

You carefully took the towel and started to dry his mid length hair with it, while also massaging his scalp. He happily leaned into your touch. "That feels really nice." Aki mumbled under his breath. You couldn't help but smile, but instantly stopped as you caught yourself. 

Thats normal right, friends can do this too, this is nothing special. You repeated for yourself. 

After you dried his hair you grabbed the brush and started to comb through it. 
"You know, you have really nice hair for a boy." You said suprised and he couldn't help but chuckel. "Thanks, though it is a kinds backhanded compliment." 

"No, no that's not what I meant. You really have smooth hair, like even for girls. Ah man that sounds dumb. Just accept the compliment." You said laughing trying to safe your comment. He laughed. "I know what you mean, I just wanted to tease you." He said innocently. 

Then you layed the brush away, since you finished brushing his hair. "All ready to go." You said happy. He then turned back around to face you again. "What do I owe you kind lady." He said jokingly, while he pushed a strand of his hair out of his face. 

"A kiss." You thought, but you luckily this time you thought first before speaking. "A hug would be nice." You said wiggling childishly with your eyebrows. "Well I guess I can't turn that down." Aki answered grinning. You both laughed, then he wrapped his arms around you and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He buried his head in the nape of your neck. 
His hair tickled your skin. "You smell very good." He mumbled into your skin.
You heart skipped a beat.

"T-Thank you, you do to." You stuttered and could feel him smile as a response.
Then he slowly opened up the hug and moved his head so that his face was infront yours.
His slender fingers grazed your face as he moved a hair away from your forehead. 

"You're a very beautiful girl Y/N." He said softly as his breath grazed your face.
"Aki..." You muttered fluttering your eyes.
This was pain. Pure pain. To look him in the eyes and know that he would leave you soon, that the two of you wouldn't see each other again for a very long time. You were both suffering.
"...Don't." You said pleading as his eyes wandered over your face and particularly watched your lips.
He sighed and closed his eyes frustrated.

"I'm sorry..." He said before closing the distance between your faces. He carefully pulled you closer as his lips melted together with yours.
It was the most amazing feeling of all time.
His soft lips pressing onto yours, they tasted like cherry and cigarettes, they were literally addicting.

You couldn't get enough of him and he couldn't get enough of you. So he deepened the kiss as you slightly opened your mouth.
The warmth of his mouth and tongue streamed into you and you knew this was heaven.

Your hands found their way back to Akis raven black hair and you pulled him closer, if that was even still possible. His arms were wrapped around your hips and held you close.
He then pulled a bit back and looked you straight in the eyes for a second.
Aki I..." You began flustered but were quickly silenced by his lips kissing you again.
Your whole body started tingling and you just gave in and melted into his arms.

He pushed you down onto the sofa and moved over you, kissing you and slightly caressing your cheeks with his thumb.

"Your the prettiest girl i've ever seen." He whispered softly against your lips, catching his breath for a second.

You liked the sensation of his touch and every second without it you were craving for more.
But a tiny little voice in your head knew that this shouldn't lead to more or you would be hurt.
So as he tried to kiss you again you carefully placed your hand over his lips.

"Wait." You said still out of breath trying to process.


Thanks for all the support <3 It really helps me stay motivated!
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