The problem

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"This is going to help you." She said holding a piece of paper in her hand playing with it between her fingers before Aki took it from her. He looked at the handwritten words. It read: "Tales of the forgotten devils ". A bit confused he looked up at Himeno. "It's a book." She said as if it were self explanatory. "Yeah I assumed, but what do you mean, you said it might be urgent." 

She shrugged and her slim finger wandered casually through her hair. "In this there is something written about a devil that fits your description, but I am not 100 percent sure. But if it is that one devil then it might be serious." She really didn't care to much about the situation, well it kind of bothered her that Aki spent so much time with that girl and is so worried about her.

"So where is the book?" He asked looking puzzled. 

"Well, that's the problem." 

A few days had passed in the sleepy little village since a man all dressed in a black suit had left it and the storm with him. Now the weather was quite sunny for winter so that Viola put on her sunglasses as she sat on her balcony. Suddenly the doorbell brought her back from her daydreams. "Coming." she shouted through the house as she walked to the door. 

A bright smile appeared on her face as Viola saw who was standing at her doorsteps. "Y/N! Finally showing your face." She said chuckling as she gave you a big hug. Your best friend for several years, Viola, who was not only one of the nicest person you've ever met was also very outgoing and lived a little bit outside the village, invited you inside. 

The both of you sat down in her kitchen as she prepared the banana bread that she had made when you told her you were coming to visit. 

"So how have you been." She asked you and she noticed herself that there was a worried undertone in the question. Viola had known you for all your live and the both of you had not only this strong friendship but also this trauma bond, since Violas little brother and mother were killed by the gun devil, which was of course different to your story but it brought you even closer to talk about these things.
That's also why she noticed every tiny difference about you, she had been worried about you the last months since it seemed that your mental state was worsening. 

"Good, yes, well... You know I told you about that guy that stayed at my place..." You began shyly. "Aki right?" She said reminding herself of what you had told her. You nodded and began to tell her about what happened. At first Viola was to stunned to speak. 

"Oh my god that really happened? He sounds so dreamy." She said excited and pulled her legs up in her chair. You just smiled and nodded. "But know he is back in Tokyo working to eliminate devils?" She asked kind of confused. "Yeah it's kind of complicated." You said before taking a sip of the tea that Viola had made for you. Your smile turned into a frown. 

You already missed him even though he has only been gone for a few days. Of course you two talked over the phone but it wasn't the same. He was distant and also quite busy. 

"Hey every thing will be good. It's just for now right?" Viola said trying to lift your mood and you gave a reassuring smile. Well that faded all to quickly. A dark shadow grew over your head and it seemed it was about to swallow you hole. 

"Excuse me for a moment i'm just going to the bathroom real quick." Your best friend said as she suddenly got up. Her hands were shaking a bit and she hurried away.
Her breath was unsteady as she reached the bathroom and shut the door behind her. She leaned against the door as she sunk to the ground.

What was that? It felt like a weight was laying on her chest and her lungs weren't able to breath. 

Fear! She was frightened and there was something else... A wave of sadness hit her. She didn't think about anything sad but tears started to form in her eyes. She palpated her face and it was wet from the tears.
Something weird was going on and she couldn't quite catch what it was. But she knew it had something to do with you. As her hands stopped shaking and she could slowly breath normal she tried thinking about what it was but her memory seemed foggy. Only a shadow. 

"Viola? Are you alright?" A muffled voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Y...Yeah!" She exclaimed a bit stuttering. "Just a second." Viola stood up and opened the door and as she looked in your worried eyes there was nothing there. Maybe she was just mistaken and a bit paranoid. You were just the same maybe a bit more gloomy. 

"Know what, I really have to get going. My uncle just called he needs my help. Are you sure your okay?" You asked again wondering what was going on with your best friend. 

"Yep. Go on." She reassured and nodded lightly. You thanked her for the banana bread and gave her a hug before you left. 

As Aki approached Makima he understood what the problem was. He purposely waited a few days so that she wouldn't be mad anymore for his absence but it seemed that didn't influence her answer in the slightest. 

When he asked her about the book that Himeno mentioned she stopped in the middle of the hallway. "What did you just ask me?" She asked as she slowly turned around to face Aki. 

"Himeno told me you have the book called " Tales of the forgotten devils " in your possession and I wanted to ask if I may be able to borrow it from you... " He repeated his question. 

Makima didn't seem too surprised. "For your own personal use?" She asked clarifying the question. Aki who tried holding the eye contact with her nodded. She gave him a big smile as her eyes lit up a bit with joy. "You know Aki your one of the few people I respect here. So I will borrow you the book." She said nicely and Aki bowed as thanks. "But not now. I lend it a different friend so you have to be patient and well... work hard." Makima added as she turned around and left. 

Aki was left alone in the hallway. He needed to know the truth to help you, so he was willing to do anything. Still he had this gut feeling. Something bad was going to happen.


Guys I'm back from the dead! I'm literally a busy bee and tried handling work, school (and I'm also having driving lessons) all together. Soooo now that I have two days off I'm trying to right as much as I can since I'm feeling motivated by all your awesome comments <3 

Thanks so much for your support! I read every comment (why are you guys so hilarious?) and am thankful for every vote :D

If you would like to support me furthermore (I do not expect anyone to, this is only if you want)
I created a ko-fi where you can tip me. 

Lots of love, psychomain <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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