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The door opened itself. Well, rather Aki opened the door as he exited he nearly bumped into you. "Sorry." You said as you walked past him inside. You went into the bathroom and took a hot shower and then changed into dry clothes.

Even though Aki was in the living room you went there and sat next to him on the couch.

"There is a heavy storm outside, so it will get cold at night. There is a extra blanket in the drawer there." You said pointing at it.

Black Jack slowly came walking towards the both of you and purred. Then it sprang onto Akis lap and snuggled himself on the fabric of his pants.

"What a traitor!" You thought to yourself.

Aki just nodded and started to pat your black cat that felt a little to comfortable. As if Black Jack could hear your thoughts he looked up to you with his round eyes.

You gently pad his head carefully avoiding to even come near Akis hand.

Again there was an awkward silence.
The air felt heavy and warm even though it was cold outside. You held your eyes low and swallowed hard. Shit why was it so hard to even be near him.
You knew that he wanted to get away as fast as he could, well he didn't want to be here in the first place.

"So you talked to your boss. Maybe you should tell them about the storm. It really is unfortunate." You said.

"That was only a colleague of mine. She only held me up to date about the latest events."
He said as he played with Black Jack's ears.

She. She, you thought. Well it wasn't really your place to be jealous or ask about a girlfriend.
So you kept quiet. A cold shiver went down your spine. It felt like a shadow was creeping up from behind you.

You couldn't help but turn around, but there was nothing there. Aki who had followed your look, was confused by your sudden movement.
He inspected your face as if he searched for something, his brows furrowed in worry.

"Hey are you okay? And I don't mean with all that happened today. I really acted stupid, but like with... life. You seem so... I don't know far away. Is everything alright? " He asked carefully.

You looked at him confused by his sudden interest. You clenched your fist trying not to let the tears come up.
"Shit" You thought.

Of course nothing was okay. It never was but up until now you just ignored it, but it seems like you can't escape it.
You lost your parents, your friend and most of your memories of that precious time, while your brain tried to erase all this so you wouldn't feel as hurt.
But now you felt it hit you all at once.
The loneliness, sadness and regret.

But you couldn't cry not like you did before, you felt disgusted by yourself for feeling sorry for your own situation.
"Other people have it worse." You thought. "Aki also lost his parents and isn't a total train wreck."
You didn't want to accept your fate.

Only one tear escaped your eye as Aki watched you. You smiled quickly hoping he didn't notice.
"I'm alright!" You said with a bit of enthusiasm.

How miserable of you, right? It was like you begged for help. No, you needed no one. Not even Aki, who would leave you the second he could.

"I just want everything to turn back normal between us, okay? Let's just be good friends right." You said.

For a second he didn't answer.
Then he nodded slowly. "Right..."

The conversation came to an end and you turned on the TV to cover the noise of your silence.

You were so tired that you quickly fell asleep.
Your head rested on his shoulder as you drifted into the world of dreams.

He didn't want to move but your head was slipping off, so he rested it on a pillow on his lap. "She's cute when she's asleep." He thought while carefully sliding a hair out of your face.

If only the circumstances were different, if his and your parents hadn't died or if he wouldn't work for the Public Safety Devil Hunters.
Everything would be different, he wouldn't hesitate to stay by your side.

It was painful enough to have seen you again but this... you trusting him, liking him wanting him to stay, it hurt. It hurt because he knew he couldn't rest till he killed the gun devil, his conscious wouldn't let him quit.
But he would come back.
Yes that he promised himself. After that he would quit work and reunite with you that was now his second goal.

Your breath slowly left your mouth as the rhythm of your heart was at peace.
He watched your face closely and couldn't stop blushing. You were the prettiest girl he had ever seen. He carefully got up and rested your head on the couch, he desperately needed a smoke to clear his head.

"Hey... I can help you... trust me... I can help you..." A distant voice in your dreams called out for you. It sounded deep and not human. You couldn't see anything but the dark. 

"Who are you?" You wanted to say, but not a single sound could leave your throat. 

"Just trust me, your problems will disappear in no time." Then there was a loud screeching noise and you woke up, laying in your bed. Black Jack, your cat, sat next to you and looked at you with big eyes a bit frightened like he had seen a ghost. You deeply inhaled to try and calm yourself down. 

Your dreams were getting weirder and weirder. 


Authors note: 

Hey guys, I'm actually still alive ^^ the last past months I was in a very stressful phase of school, since it is my last year and also my mental health wasn't the best. 

But now I'm back hopefully with more frequent posts.

Also thanks a lot for the overwhelming support. I still remember when my story had only 50 reads and now there are so many of you guys who seem to enjoy my story. 

I am very thankful for that and appreciate every vote and comment. 

Hopefully you all have been doing great!!

Sorry for the short chapter ^~^ 

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