New fear

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You turned around to look at him and repeated your question this time a bit louder.

"What even was that?" Now you were more annoyed than confused.
Why was your life a whole big mess.

Aki looked at you and decided if he should tell you.
"I didn't get a good look at it but I kinda know what it is. Can you maybe describe to me what you saw?" You nodded in response and pictured the creature you had seen. The dark void with the black velvet flowy kinda body and the big bloody eyes staring out of it, looking directly at you. The blood was running out of the eye and dropped like tears. The contrast of the black velvet and the blood stains were burned in your head.

You described exactly that to Aki that listened deep in thoughts and tried to make sense out of it. That was definitely a devil you had seen, but he wasn't sure what kind. What should he tell you.

"Did you ever see this thing before or had a similar experience?" He asked but you quickly declined. He whispered something under his breath that you couldn't hear. 

"Fuck it." He said as he started explaining to you that you had encountered a devil, he didn't tell you what he suspected since he wanted to be completly sure what kind of devil it is before telling you. 

"Like the creatures that killed your ... your family?" You asked hesistant still trying to process this information. His cold eyes stared right at you and you wished you wouldn't have said that. 

A short and numb "yes" was his answer. "But why didn't it kill me in that moment I mean I had no idea. Will it come back?" You asked and looked around anxiously as if it was going to attack any second. His answer which was that he didn't have an answer, made you feel even more scared. 

Your hands started shacking again, your heart began racing, what if you were going to sleep and it would kill you or Aki or anyone else. 

"Don't worry it won't come back, I think we scared it yesterday." He tried to assure you without telling you exactly what he did, when you fainted. He was lucky to have brought his Katana with him and you were so dense that you hadn't noticed. 

But you were still unsure. "How do you even know so much about these things?" You inspected him. He looked away and scratched his neck. "Umm, I have worked with some people of the Public Safety Devil Hunters... the company I work for had helped them kind of." He said unconvincing. You raised an eyebrow but he successfully avoided your gaze. There was definitely more behind that but he seemed to avoid the topic. Well you couldn't get the truth out of him anyway, so you gave up. 

It was silent for a while, you both were lost in your one thoughts. 

Then he said that he should probably call the mechanics because of his car and got up. You went to your room and got ready since you still had to help your uncle today. 

When you entered the living room, Aki had fixed his hair and wore his suit again. You noticed a long bag sitting next to the couch. Probably his bag with his things. 

"They will tow my car but they don't know when it will be ready again." He said a bit annoyed. "Well you can stay with me for as long as it takes, if you want to." You said blushing lightly. 

He looked at you suprised. "Ok, I guess that could work. They are going to be so mad at work, I had to be there later today. I've got to tell them." He pulled out his cellphone and typed in a message as you put on a jacket. 

"Do you have somewhere to be?" He asked putting his phone back. "Yeah I gotta work a bit with my uncle. You can come with me, you know." You suggested as you grabbed your car keys. 

He grabbed his bag and nodded. "Sure maybe you could drop me off at the store so I can buy a few things I need, I didn't really plan on staying this long so I didn't pack much." 

"Sure let's go!"

The drive was quiet. Neither of you said anything. When you dropped him off you made a plan to meet at the playground when he was ready, since you didn't have much work and it was only a few minutes from the store. 

You drove off. 

After Aki had bought everything he needed, he didn't directly call you so could meet him. He had to make a call that was very important. He dialed the number that he already knew by heart and prepared himself for a lecture. 

"Aki why aren't you back in Tokyo?" The female voiced asked clearly annoyed. 

"Hello to you to Himeno. My car has a problem so I'm stuck here for a bit but I will be back as quick as I can." He assured. Himeno just sighed. "This is so untypical from you. Also you probably didn't call just to tell me this, right?" 

Aki put his bags down as he pulled out a piece of paper out of his trouser pocket. 

"Your right. Can you do me a favour? " He asked starring at the note. 

"I knew it. What is it?" She was definetly pissed. "I have to go back to work so make it quick." He nodded forgetting she couldn't see. "Right. So there is this devil that I need information on. I don't know the name of it but I have a discription. I have never seen this one till a few days ago. But it didn't attack me and as I wanted to fight it, it just fled."

"Well sounds like it's not that powerful." Himeno responded uninterested. 

But he had that gut feeling. Something bad was about to happen he could feel it and the devil has somethig to do with it. 

"I'm not so sure about it. It was really weird. But maybe your right what would a powerful devil do here, when Tokyo is only a few hours away from here."

"Don't stress it, I will look into it for you." He thanked her and their conversation ended. 

He grabbed his bags and walked towards the playground where he then called you to pick him up. 

What would've happened if he hadn't been here.


Authors note:

I'm so sorry that the upload took so long. I have been very busy with school and work. This is my last year of school so there probably won't be a lot of uploads. 

Also thanks a lot for the many views. Since chainsaw man part 2 is out I'm even more excited to write again and would love it, if you would vote for my story. 

Thanks <3

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