Heated morning

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You rubbed your head, you could feel that a slight headache was forming. Then you looked around in your room. Aki must've brought you in here from the couch. You slowly got up and looked out the window. 
It was an amazing view. The streets were snowed in and the branches of the trees bend down under the weight of the snow. Little resistent flowers peeked out, here and there and if you looked closely you could see pawprints of a small animal. Everything looked so calm. 

You looked at the clock it was merely six o'clock. But still you got up and walked into the kitchen. Aki was still a sleep so you thought that this time you could make him breakfast.

You heated up some milk and made hot chocolate, you also made scrambled eggs, cut some fresh tomatos and prepared the bread. 
Woken by the smell (or the noise) Aki joined you in the kitchen. "Good Morning." You said looking over your shoulder to see a kind of ruffed up guy that was trying to fix his hair. 

"Morning. It smells lovely in here." He said yawning. "You know you don't have to do that for me, it is already nice enough that you let me stay here." He pulled out a chair and sat down by the table.
"I know but I felt like doing something nice."
You turned around with two plates in your hand and gave him a big smile.
His eyes wandered over your face and body to your apron and then back to your eyes.
"Thank you." He said thankful.

The both of you ate your breakfast and discussed over the bad weather. Then you asked him about Tokyo and he told you all about the magnificent big city. It sounded like a dream.
"Maybe ... you can come visit me someday?" He asked hesistant and then bit on the side of his lip, as if he regretted it.
You looked up from your empty plate into his eyes. "Yeah maybe... someday." You said not even sure if you believed this yourself.

Aki just looked at you lost in thought and didn't know what to say, as his phone began to ring.
He quickly got up. "Sorry just let me get this quickly." He said as he threw on his jacket and answered the phone.
He then left and went outside.
Left confused you slowly got up and looked out the window.

There he was in his pajamas and with his jacket outside in the cold, he talked eagerly into the phone as he searched for something in his pocket.
He pulled out a box of cigarettes and picked one that he put in his mouth. He nodded to something the other person said, as he lid his cigarette. Then he shook his head in disbelief.

Oh, what you would've done to know what this call was about. The call went on for two more minutes. Aki then put his phone away and smoked the last bit of the cigarette.
Frustrated his hand ruffled through his hair.

Then he turned around and looked up straight into your eyes.
Shit! You jumped away from the window but it was definitely to late. How dumb of you.

You went back into the kitchen and put the plates in the sink as Aki came back into the house.

After he hung up his jacket he came back into the kitchen and laughed a bit. "Already snooping around behind my back." He said jokingly.
Your face turned red. "N..no why would I? I was just watering my plants at the window."
"Sure" He said with a cocky smile and nodded to himself.
"It was the dude who has my car, he said he fixed the problem, but I have to wait till the streets aren't snowed in anymore till I can get my car."
"Well I guess then I have no other choice but to deal with you for the time being." You said happy.

"You don't seem to sad about that." He said noticing how happy you got. You just shrugged and finished washing the dishes.

"Shit maybe I shouldn't have went out with my sleepwear." He looked down at himself and noticed that the end of his pants were wet and dirty from the snow outside.

"You can put them in the washing machine. They will probably dry till tonight, if we wash them right now." You suggested.

"Right, can I also use your shower while I'm at it?" He asked while already gathering his things.
"Sure, go ahead." You searched in the drawers for Black Jack's brush.

Aki went into the bathroom and you searched for Black Jack. "Where is this cat hiding again?" Then you remembered that the hot water is probably not working.
Shit. You went to the bathroom door and knocked.
"Y/N I think the hot water isn't working." He said before you could tell him.
"Sorry I forgot. My heater is broken, I have to turn it on manually. Can I come in?"

"Wait a second." He said and then. "Yeah, you can come in." You opened the door and saw Aki standing in your bathroom with a towel around his waist.

Oh God. Don't look down! Don't look down!
You swallowed hard and looked past him to the heater. You peaked a glance on his perfectly formed body, especially his visible abs. His lean figure rested against your bathtub as he watched your every move.

"I just have to turn this thing around." You said as you got on your tiptoes and tried to move a clip on the heater. Your fingertips couldn't get a good hold on the clip and slipped away again and again. If Aki wouldn't be there you would just get a chair and climb onto it. But you didn't want this to take any longer, since you could already feel that your face was as read as a tomato.
While he was practically staring a hole in your back.
"Shit why isn't it working." You mumbled to yourself.

And then surprisingly Aki moved and got behind you. "Eh no, I can do it, only a small centimeter left." You said defending.
But he was already standing behind you.
Very close behind you.

You could feel his hot breath grazing your head and neck. It felt like the heat of his body could light a flame. If you leaned back only a bit you would feel the bare skin of his chest.

For goodness sake just concentrate!
He reached out to the heater and his fingers wrapped around yours and the clip.

You closed your eyes. Why... why was he so seductive. You couldn't control your breath anymore. And why was the bathroom so hot?

"Just like this." He said, well rather whispered next to your ear. His voice was dark and as smooth as silk. You could tell that his breath was also going unsteady. He turned the clip around guiding your fingers.
"Very good." He praised.

Oh Lord, you could just melt this exact second. His praising words led to your body feeling funny. His hand was still wrapped around yours.

"Ok done. Have a nice shower." You said and duck under his arm away and quickly left the bathroom.

This boy has you wrapped around his finger.

Aki was left in the bathroom and chuckled to himself. "She is so cute." He thought as he removed his towel and could finally take his shower.

Thanks for 2k reads literally love you guys 💗

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