~+[ Chapter 2 | ..Wait a second-... ]+~

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Liza just looked at the security cams just now trying to ignore Daniel while slowly getting lost in her thoughts not really paying attention to anything around her.


After sitting in the security office for a few hours and Daniel just leaning against a wall bored while reading a small book he brought with him and Liza watching the cams, a few footsteps could be heard walking towards the security office as Daniel put the book away that he had and looked over at one of the security office doors and quickly closed it. "Wh-" the loud sound of the metal office door slamming close got Liza out of her thoughts as she hadn't realized how many hours had passed and or what happened on the security cams Daniel would look to

the cams and noticed two of the animatronics on stage were gone. "Shit- ClawStar, and Kira-Ann are gone-" Daniel muttered to himself as he quickly checked the top vent and noticed a thing of glowing yellow eyes looking directly at him and Liza.

Liza looked up and noticed the eyes as she was confused a bit as Daniel quickly closed the vent door, tho the animatronic fox's white paw would have quickly grabbed under the vent door and pushed it up breaking it as they exited the vent and attacked Liza.

Daniel pushed the girl out of the way getting himself attacked as the animatronic fox bit deep into his shoulder as he just managed with his other arm to press the shut-down button behind the animatronic. "B-bb-bastard-" Daniel hissed as he pryed the fox's jaws out of his shoulder and would just push the Animatronic away as he held his shoulder in pain.

Liza had done nothing other than witness Daniel get attacked by the white and red fox in pure shock and fear as Daniel glanced at Liza and noticed her scared expression. "What? You worried bout' me or something?" He replied. "Wh-wELL YEA!? YOU NEARLY DIED JUST TRYING TO SAVE ME!" Said she. "Well don't be- I'll be fine-" said Daniel coldly as he got up and walked away towards the desk and got out a first aid kit.

"Need uh help with tha-" The girl would have gotten cut off. "I don't need help I can bandage up this damn wound on my own-" said he. Daniel as he unbuttoned his shirt till he was able to expose his right shoulder which was bleeding and had visible deep bite marks from the animatronic fox as he grabbed a cloth and put pressure on the injury since needed to stop the bleeding before he could clean and bandage up his shoulder.

". . ." Liza looked at Daniel but mostly cause she noticed some...oddly familiar markings along his neck and chest. 'Wait a second...those markings...' Liza blinked a few seconds and looked up at Daniel and looked at his eyes. 'Nope...no doubt bout it...your...him...' Liza just leaned against a wall while just looking at Daniel with a slightly scared look on her face, to which she didn't mean to look scared tho she was more of all shocked that she didn't notice who Daniel was at first.

"Hm?" Once Daniel stopped the bleeding and started cleaning up the wound he took a quick glance at Liza and noticed her scared but shocked look. 'What's she so shocked bout'..it's just a dumbass bite mark- I've suffered worse anyways than this stupid scratch...' Daniel thought to himself as he finished cleaning and bandaging up his shoulder.

Liza noticed Daniel looking at her as she quickly looked away at the ground. "You good?" Daniel asked as he looked at Liza for a moment. "Huh? OH, I'm fine hehe..just still shocked is all- Heheheh..." Liza lied. "...Ok then.." said Daniel as he buttoned his shirt back up and just glanced at his shoulder and sighed since his uniform was now ruined in blood. "Damn fox ruined my shirt-" Said he as Daniel checked the cams. '..Ok...I have to know for certain if you are who I think you are or not...I need...to ask...' Liza thought nervously as she sighed a bit.

"Hey, I um...I also noticed some uhh...weird scars on your neck and chest..how did you um...get them?..." She asked in a nervous tone. "Hm? Oh, dumb springlock failure accident-" said he as Daniel continued. "I won't get into much detail but my dumbass forgot to wind back one of the springlocks and welp once one went off all of them went off nearly killing me" said he.

"Oh.." Liza just leaned against the wall while just looking at Daniel and then at the animatronic fox on the ground.

After about 2 hours later of silence between the two, it would have become 6AM as Daniel sighed a bit, mostly just happy he was able to just go drink away the pain in his shoulder and sleep for almost the rest of the day in the break room since still had to work the Dayshift. Liza had already left the office as she walked away towards the front entrance and noticed Terence enter the Pizzeria.

Liza glared a bit at the man as she yelled. "YA COULD HAVE TOLD ME I WAS GONNA GET ATTACKED TONIGHT!" "Hm? Oh sorry, forgot to say they move around at night...tho you don't have to worry all that much bout ClawStar..unlike the others she's pretty friendly" Terence replied at Liza just quietly scoffed and walked past him sort of purposefully bumping into him on her way out.

". . ." Terence had said nothing as he walked away towards his office tho noticed Daniel was leaving the Pizzeria since had walked past him. "Oi where the hell you going-" said he. "Calm down I'm just heading to the cafe to get some food geez..since the food here fucking sucks" said Daniel as he glared at Terence who just sighed. "Fine tho be back within 2 hours cause I'll need you here-" said Terence.

"Mhm got it-" Daniel muttered under their breath as they left and walked away towards their car and got in and drove off towards a nearby cafe that was in town that he normally went to when his shifts were over.

The cafe would be a small little cafe that was owned by a young girl with pink and purple colored hair that was normally tied back as the place barely had any other workers as the girl seemed to be the only employee there considering she was as well the manager of the cafe.

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