~+[ Chapter 9 | Trapped(Part 2), A trip to the doctor ]+~

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(This is going to be a bit of a longer chapter but nonetheless, I hope you all enjoy! ^^)


'It's been about 2 months and these idiots haven't suspected anything...the girl, maybe, but nothing that is noticeable or for her to really notice who I am... the only thing I've had to improve was the attitude/personality and behavior towards the other guards...especially the manager Michael...or his fake name 'Terence Altstar'...Heh, who even thinks up a name like that? The same goes for whatever fucking name this DANIEL person came up with...sure me, Blixbe and some of the others have some..unique last names...LorriMaze, ColorPop, Bolton, Trixir, MetalMoon...weird last names but hey I don't think our creators could think of much for last names..same could've gone for these idiots but...besides that we're animatronics...not...people...' Lexi/Fake Daniel thought to themselves as they just leaned against a wall and looked out at the dining room area since he had to work Dayshift as a day guard with short blonde hair walked over to Fake Daniel while smilin' a bit.

"Sup Dan!" Said Sam as they then just randomly booped Daniel on the nose then quickly backed away as Daniel just glared at Sam. "Yea...Hi-.." Daniel replied harshly as Sam leaned against the wall next to him. "Ya know, you need to sleep- Cause I think those bags and black circles around and under your eyes are making you look scarier than friendly, AND IT AIN'T EVEN OCTOBER YET THAT'S LIKE HALF A MONTH AWAY!" Said Sam.

"Oh just being extra prepared...that's all...never know.." said Daniel in a sort of sarcastic tone as Sam just smiled a bit. "Wonder what our boss is gonna dress as if we ever end up doing Halloween, Best guess some masked figure since they ALWAYS wear a mask and I never see em without one!" Said Sam as Daniel replied.

"Maybe they'll go as a stupid zombie or something maybe...Undead hockey player or I don't know something that'll still have to do with a mask plus something I guess 'Scary' or whatever.." said Daniel. "Oh! I should pitch that idea to him! Wait- I GOTTA GO ASK THE OTHERS WUT THERE GONNA BE!- Since I know I'M GONNA GO AS A WEREWOLF!" Said Sam who quickly walked away, more of all running away as they zoomed away into the Break room where Nate was. "..Dumbass..." Daniel quietly said as they looked back out at the dining room area a bit.


Daniel would just be sitting in the security office, waiting for Elizabeth to enter the office as Elizabeth walked in and looked at Daniel. "Hey Dad!" Said she to Daniel. "Mhm hi-" Daniel mumbled as they just watched the cams, mostly bored out of their mind. "Kinda funny how Mike keeps putting us two together for the Nightshift-" said Daniel. "Eh, I don't really mind nor care" said Elizabeth who just sat in an office chair next to Daniel. Daniel didn't bother to reply as he just looked threw some of the cams then quickly got up and walked over to the right security office door and closed it even tho it was only ClawStar in the right hallway.

"You know you didn't have to close that door..it was only ClawStar..." Said Elizabeth as she glared a bit at Daniel. 'There's something off about you but I can't think of it...' She thought to herself as Daniel opened up the office door and then just walked back over to the security office chair he was once sitting in and just slightly leaned back in it as ClawStar peaked into the Security Office curious a bit as she looked around.

"Hey ClawStar!" Said Elizabeth since by now used to her but still feared and hated the other Animatronics as the Animatronic Siamese cat slightly waved a bit then continued to look around a bit since was curious, then looked over at Daniel as she tilted her head to the side and poked at his head a bit as Daniel slightly pushed ClawStar away from him...which wasn't normal of him to do exactly.

The animatronic cat sadly looked down as she walked away out of the security office just sad since Daniel mostly just booped the cat's nose to annoy her since as much as he won't admit it he didn't mind ClawStar and was sort of his favorite animatronic out of the others. "The hell-" Elizabeth mumbled as she looked at Daniel and glared a bit at him as he just looked back at the security office cams and when Elizabeth looked into Daniel's eyes...her suspicion about him was correct...the fact he hadn't been acting normal at all was proven correct...

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