~+[ Chapter 40 | 7 Years Later... ]+~

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[January 2nd, 2010 - 8:02 AM]

Elizabeth would wake up as she yawned a small bit and stretched as she looked outside and out at the snow that was outside as it would have been 7 years ever since the Clawstar's Pizzeria had closed down and was locked down and abandoned.

Evan would still be in bed asleep as he was just hugging his fredbear plush while the springbonnie plush sat on a shelf with some other plushies he had above him and some action figures and props plus some posters that were from the old fredbear's family diner that Michael managed to get from William's place plus some other posters from some old freddy's pizzerias.

As the girl got up, she would walk away out of the room as she peered into Michael's room and saw him laying in bed just trying to get a decent amount of sleep as her cat Loki was asleep on the floor in the room while Michael's cat MelonBean would be asleep next to the black cat as Elizabeth just continued to walk away towards the kitchen where she saw Lexi who was standing still while shut down.

"Morning Lexi" she quietly said as she opened up one of the cabinets and would just get out a coffee cup as she started up the coffee machine and would grab some french vanilla creamer and a jar of sugar as she put the two down onto the counter and just waited till the coffee from the coffee machine was done brewing as she just leaned against the counter while checking her phone and at some text messages she got from Sam.


[Text Messages - Sam the Silly]
'Mornin' you stinky GINGER-' [7:58 AM]

'Morning you dumb blonde, Question, why are you up this early?' [8:12 AM]

'Being bored and drawing' [8:13 AM]

'Hm, I see, You don't mind I see what your drawing?' [8:13 AM]

'Sure! Just gimme a moment' [8:14 AM]

The girl would smile a small bit as Sam send some photos he took of some doodles and drawings he was working on as one of them was of Lexi and another would be a blueprint sorta of a potential future animatronic, a Glamrock designed white tiger named 'Tiger Rock' which wasn't really a creative name but it worked as the girl checked up on the coffee machine and saw it was done brewing but she'd let it cool down as she texted,

'What's that? The glam tiger sketch?' [8:17 AM]

'Just a random idea, a sort of security animatronic ya could say' [8:18 AM]

'Oh' [8:18 AM]
'Well I'mma make myself some coffee, Later do you wanna go explore my old house like we did 7 years ago?' [8:18 AM]

'...That one house where we almost died by your dad?-' [8:19 AM]

'Yea' [8:19 AM]

Sam the Silly is Typing...
As the girl was waiting for Sam to text, she would pour herself a cup of Coffee as she mixed some of the french vanilla creamer and a small bit of sugar into her coffee as she looked back at her phone and saw Sam's text,

'...Sure- As long as you promise I won't almost die again-' [8:25 AM]

'I promise you goofball, and besides I'm gonna bring Lexi along with us so we have some sort of protection if something or someone DOES attack us' [8:26 AM]

'Ok then... I'm trustin' ya Liz-' [8:28 AM]

'Look just get ready and meet me at the Moonlight Cafe' [8:28 AM]

'Ok, I'll meet ya there then' [8:30 AM]


The girl would sigh as she drank some of her coffee and looked up at Lexi who looked back at her. "Texting Sam again?" "Yea, so what?-" she responded to the animatronic. "Eh, Nothin'.. Just curious why you're so invested in that thing-" said Lexi while pointing at Elizabeth's phone. "Oh don't be such an old man- oh wait, you are one" said she jokingly as Lexi glared at her.

"Sorry my creator's made me in the late 60's to early 70's-" said Lexi as he crossed his arms. "Oh calm down I was just joking" said she as Elizabeth put down her coffee and walked away back to her and Evan's room where she got some clothes out of her closet and a black warm fuzzy coat she liked out of the closet. 

As Elizabeth walked away into the bathroom to change out of her pajama clothes and into a comfy black long sleeved shirt and some dark blue jeans, she'd put on her grey snow boots and her coat that was soft and fuzzy on the inside of it which was meant to keep her warm as she walked away over to Lexi. "Hey Lexi"

"What?" The animatronic responded. "Want to come with me to the Moonlight Cafe and then to my old house?" said she. "Eh, sure why not-" said he as Elizabeth put on a long dark red scarf that was hanging up as she then would leave a note in the kitchen saying her and Lexi were gonna be gone for a couple hours.

"Alright let's go" said she as Elizabeth put on her black gloves and walked away to the front door that she opened as Lexi just used the illusion disk to make himself look human as he left through the front door with Elizabeth as she carefully closed the door and then checked her phone for the time as it was now 8:48 AM.


As the two walked into the cafe, Elizabeth would see Ashlynn talking to Detective George who was just drinking some coffee while eating some ham and pancakes that were covered in butter and maple syrup.

Elizabeth would sit down at a booth that was behind George as Lexi sat across from Elizabeth while looking out the window. Ashlynn would notice Elizabeth and Lexi as she walked over to them. "Hey Lexi, Hey Liz, Is there anything I start you two off with some drinks while you guys are looking at the menus?" said Ashlynn as she handed two menus to Elizabeth and Lexi.

"Hey Ash, Can I just get some hot chocolate and waffles?" Elizabeth asked. "Sure! and for you Lexi?" She asked before stopping. "Actually nevermind- I forgot for what you were for a second heh, sorry" said she as Elizabeth would have told Ashlynn 6 years ago about what Lexi was and that he was an animatronic.

"Eh, It's fine, I don't get out much since I don't really like being around people- So I'm even shocked you remember that I'm an Animatronic" said Lexi as he slid his menu over to Ashlynn who picked it up. "Ah, I see, Also It's fine heh, But I'll be RIGHT back with that hot chocolate and waffles" said Ashlynn while smiling as she quickly walked away.

"You don't get out much? Really? best excuse you can say? because you get out PLENTY when it comes to store runs with me or Michael and especially with keeping an eye on Evan when he goes for nightly walks" said she.

"What? It's true, Plus those don't count as socializing nor 'getting out'" said Lexi while glaring at Elizabeth while fixing and adjusting his top hat on his head and also fixing his messy hair. "You know, you should probably wear a different outfit, but that's just me-" said Elizabeth as she leaned back in her seat.

"Well sorry I can't find anything that fits MY style of clothing-" said he. "YOU mean old clothing like suits and tuxedos and whatnot that fit you- because that ringleader outfit of yours is old, 1940's at best for how old that type of design is" said she. "Oh shut up- At least I keep THIS in good condition-" said he.

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