Chapter six - New ending

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Aubrey came back to reality, just in time. She saw a nighlook trying to attack Mike from the behind, while he was fighting another. She hurried to run there to, and also shout his name.

"Mike behi-" Aubrey was not okay. Not even okay enough to finish a little sentence of only three words. Mike didn't hear anything, because her voice was also very quite. Aubrey ran for her life, well more likely for Mike's life, but everything did count. He was her friend, and she would did for her friends.

Aubrey attacked the nighlook and it got hurt pretty bad. She haha'ed in her mind, while remembering a memory, not too long ago.

"Come on Aubrey!" Mike called Aubrey for the third time, as she sat in the kitchen, munching on cake. "But Mike, this is SOOO good!" She replied, as she put more cake into her mouth.

"Ugh.." Mike sighed, but walked into the kitchen. "Aubrey please.. I just want to have a good time with you, as-" Mike wanted it to be a date, but he knew that Aubrey had feelings for Jayden. He also knew, or, thought, that Jayden had feelings for her. He didn't want to ruin their happiness, for being happy himself.

"As friends. Come on! This is some of the only time we don't need to train, please." Aubrey sighed in defeat. She knew Mike had a point, and she's like to spend some of her last days with one of her closest friends.

"I'm coming!" She ran outside with Mike, and he took her hand in his. "Where are we even going?" She asked, and he just shook his head. "It's a surprise." "I hate surprises!" She hissed.

"Wow.." Aubrey was speechless, as Mike let go of her hand, and moved to the side so she could enjoy the view. "It's beautiful, Mike." Aubrey and Mike were on top of a mountain, looking down at the city. The sun was slowly going down, and it was the most beautiful thing Aubrey had seen, if not on pictures.

"It's ALMOST as beautiful as y-you.." He stuttered. Aubrey's gaze turned to Mike, and he got kind of nervous. Did he say something wrong?

"Mike?" He nodded. "Please don't hate me.. I-i know you like Jayden but.. I l-like you too.." Aubrey nodded, as she embraced Mike in a hug.

"I like you too but.. Yeah you're right." She let go of him. "I have known Jayden for a long time, and yes.. I might have the feelings for him." He looked sadly at the ground.

"But we're still friends, right?" She smiled at him, and he just couldn't say no to that adorable smile of hers. "Of course." "Forever and always?" She asked. He smiled at her, and nodded. "Forever and always." "Pinky promise?" She asked, smirking at him.

"Pinky promise.." He sighed, since he was getting annoyed by all the promises. "Let's go back, shall we?" Mike nodded, and then they walked back hand in hand, as the best of friends, ever.

Aubrey had not seen the nighlook in time, and it had cut her arm. "Ow.." She whimpered, as she tried to attack the nighlook. Instead Mike came, and made it turn to dust.

"Th-thank-" "no need to talk. Just fight, and don't die. Please." Mike smiled at her, as he feared she might get hurt. She nodded at him.

"Are you too hurt fight?" She shook her head. "I'm t-totally fin-" he nodded and went back to fighting. Aubrey sighed as she knew her time was almost over. Why did she even take this deal anyways?

"Saying yes will make it official. Well not for the Rangers.." Aubrey nodded. "I just want to see my friends.. Even if I will have to die and.." She couldn't speak. She knew she'd regret it someday, but she'd have to do it, if she wanted to see her friends again. "Good. You will soon see your friends."

"Liar.." Aubrey hissed as she stuck her sword into a nighlook aggressively.

The nighlook master had promised her she would soon her friends, within a week, but she first saw Jayden again, after a year. That was long.

As Aubrey stuck yet another nighlook with her katana sword, it was harder for her to breathe.

Aubrey fell to the ground, and the katana fell from her weak hands. "No.. N-not n-now-" a voice inside her head said "yes, now. You said yes. Here is your price. Pay it. Pay it!" Aubrey shook her head, starting to silently cry.

"Aubrey? Aubrey stand up!" Jayden's voice became unclear, as he shouted even more words at her.

"Aubrey? Aubrey please stand up!" Mike's voice was also a blur, but Aubrey could still hear that it was filled with worry.

"Aubrey? Aubrey stand up! You're strong!" Emily's sweet voice was rusty, as she was so scared, she'd do something wrong, and the Rangers would lose the fight.

"Aubrey?" Antony was worried too, so was everyone. If Aubrey could, she'd tell very one to fight, and win. But she couldn't. She just couldn't..

"Rangers, fight the nighlook! Aubrey will be.. Fine." Jayden yelled, as he stared sadly at Aubrey who tried to stand up, and not fall fully down, and lose her consciousness.

"My best friend, please wake up.." Jayden whispered for no one to hear, but Aubrey.

Authors Note:
This is sad, I know.. And Sorry for updating this late, but I had NO ideas for what should happen so.. Please bear with me. Anyways, sorry for errors! I have not edited any of my chapters, but I really want to.. Anyways, I basically wrote this chapter because @lucyonyxsage wanted me to continue, so I did. THANK ALL OF YOU GUYS FOR READING AND VOTING !! Hopefully I'll update soon!! Sorry if this is not how the power rangers series end, I have not watched the end of the show yet!!

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