Chapter three - Remember me?

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Aubrey was meditating, -once again- waiting for Mike. He ran as fast as he could, but when he saw her meditating, he slowed down. He smiled at her, and stood still for a moment. He though about when she said she didn't have any friends. He was feeling sorry for her. He wanted her to be happy, although if she maybe is going to want Jayden, -if she meets him, because of that he saved her- then he would still be happy for her. He wanted her to be happy. Although if then he couldn't be happy too.

As Aubrey was meditating, she though of her old buddy. She was wishing with all her heart, that she would she him again. Soon. She though of another time, they were together... "Aubrey, do you want to play football?" She nodded, as she walked towards him. He smiled, so did she. They walked outside, and began playing. Once, he kicked the ball right into her face. She fell down, and laid on the ground. She almost fainted, if it weren't for him. He ran to her, and helped her up. "Aubrey! I'm sorry, I didn't me-" "it's okay, it didn't hurt. I've tried worse." She cut him off, and when she got up, they began playing again.

Aubrey opened her eyes, and stood up. Mike was still standing frozen, like a statue. Aubrey walked towards him, and hugged him. He didn't knew what was happening, so he just hugged back. She sniffled, and broke the hug. Mike looked confused at her, as she just looked at him with a sad face.

Suddenly he understood what was happening. He pulled her into a hug, as she tried not to cry. She haven't cried for years, this wasn't a good time to cry. Maybe Mike would think she was a chicken? That was what she thought. Once they pulled apart again, Mike spoke. "I'm so sorry. Wanna talk about it?" Aubrey closed her eyes, and opened them again after half a minute.

Mike didn't know what Aubrey looked at, but as soon as he looked behind him, he saw what. Or, he saw who. Jayden was standing some meters away, looking at them. Or, looking at Aubrey. He remembered something about her. And she remembered something about him. Mike was really confused by now, but he didn't say anything.

Aubrey looked at Mike, and he signaled that it was okay she talked with Jayden. She walked towards Jayden. When she came, she stood right in front of him. "Aubrey?" "Yes, Jayden?" She replied, and looked at him. Aubrey wasn't that tall, so she had to look up to see him right in the eyes. She were about as tall as Emily, just a bit shorter.

"I remember you." She nodded, and closed her eyes. As breathed in, and opened her eyes. "I remember you to, old buddy." She said, and Jayden smiled. It was just what he wanted to hear. Old buddy. It was his best memory, from when he was a child.

As Mike though before, he wanted Aubrey to be happy. If she wanted to be with Jayden, -as he though- she should be. She should be happy, Mike had to make her happy. Mike sighed, as he wished he could make her happy. But if he couldn't, he couldn't.

Mike began walking home, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, and greeted Aubrey with his sad face. Now Aubrey looked at him, confused. When she now understood, she immediately hugged him. He tried so hard not to cry. It would be to embarrassing. So he didn't cry.

When they pulled apart, Aubrey this time spoke. "I want to tell you every single thing, when I was a child. If you want to hear, of course." He nodded, as a smile grew on his face. Aubrey and Mike sat down in front of a tree, and began talking. Aubrey was gonna tell him, her whole life history.

Mike looked Into Aubrey's dark brown eyes, as she looked into his brown eyes. He was her second friend. A meaningful person in her life. A person she would never forget. Her second friend, -became her second friend- when they hugged. He understood something was wrong. Just like Jayden did, when they were smaller. A friend who understood her, was what she had needed for years. Now she has two of them.

Aubrey was going to start telling about her life, when Jayden walked by. He asked if it was okay he also listened. Well actually, Emily, a boy named Kevin, and a girl named Mia, came too. They also wanted to listen. And they got Aubrey's permission.

When Aubrey were about to start speak, she could smell fish. "Is it just me," Aubrey said, her sweet little voice running through Mike's head, "Or can you smell something fishy too?" She looked at the Rangers. They all looked confused.

"Hey, who's that hot chick?" A voice, Aubrey hardly had heard twice in her life. Aubrey turned around, to be greeted like a princess, by a guy with black hair, and brown eyes. He bowed down, as he laid the fish down.

"Um, Antonio, this is Aubrey. Do you remember her?" Jayden asked, looking confused at Antonio. At first, he looked confused too, but when he looked at Aubrey, his face lit up. "Oh," a smile grew on his face, "It's the little princess. Nice to meet you once again. Princess Aubrey." He said, reaching for her hand.

Aubrey shook her head, with a sad face. "I'm no princess." She faked a smile, and took his hand. They shook hands, and Antonio sat down too. "Don't lie, while all the Rangers are looking." Aubrey closed her eyes, not wanting to think about all the words bullies had said to her.

"Don't ever call me princess again." She said, opening her eyes again, smiling like nothing had happened. "Why not princ-" "don't." She cut him off, now with a mad face. "Okay okay, no offense." He said, holding his hands in front of his face.

"What were you doing before I came and ruined it, by calling you-" "talking." She said. "About wha-" "old times." "Can you te-" "maybe." "Why do you always talk whe-" "because I can." She closed her eyes, like she was offended.

"Then just ta-" "of course!" She said, opening her eyes. "Sorry, I just wanted you to feel loved." "Well, I don't want to be called princess, because I'm not one!" She sighed, looking at Antonio. "I'm sorry, I just don't like the word, princess. Not when someone call me princess." He nodded. "So, you want to tell about your life story?" She nodded, opening her mouth.

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